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Homework #6 The End: Putting it all together

Follow the existing homework submission instructions as much as possible, e.g. use systematic, informative filenames. By 12pm Monday October 21, be prepared to share a link via a Google doc. I will announce sharing on the Google Group as usual.

Big picture


Please just tell me what to do

If you don't feel like dreaming up your own thing, here's a Gapminder blueprint that is a minimal but respectable way to complete the assignment. You are welcome to remix R code already written by someone, student or JB, in this class, but credit/link appropriately, e.g. in comments.

JB has provided an template, using a different dataset, here, that should help make this concrete.

I want to aim higher!

Follow the basic Gapminder blueprint above, but find a different data aggregation task, different panelling/facetting emphasis, focus on different variables, etc.

Use non-Gapminder data.

Include some dynamic report generation in your pipeline. That is, create HTML from one or more plain R or R markdown files.

Experiment with running R code saved in a script from within R Markdown. Here's some official documentation on code externalization.

Embed pre-existing figures in and R Markdown docuement, i.e. an R script creates the figures, then the report incorporates them. General advice on writing figures to file is here and ggplot2 has a purpose-built function ggsave() you should try. See an example of this in an R Markdown file in one of the examples.

Import pre-existing data in an R Markdown document, then format nicely as a table.

Use Pandoc and/or LaTeX to explore new territory in document compilation. You could use Pandoc as an alternative to knitr for Markdown to HTML conversion; you'd still use knitr for conversion of R Markdown to Markdown. You would use LaTeX to get PDF output from R Markdown.

Start using Git! Create a new Git repository for all the files for this assignment. See below for help.

Start using Github! Share your repo with us on the web! See below for help.

Use Make to run your pipeline. See below for help. Also demonstrated in the example hw06_scaffolds/02_rAndMake and in the example hw06_scaffolds/03_knitWithoutRStudio