Make browsing a GitHub repository more rewarding

The unreasonable effectiveness of browsability. One of my favorite aspects of GitHub is the ability to inspect a repository's files in a browser. Certain practices make browsing more rewarding and can postpone the day when you must create a proper website for a project.

Keep files in the plainest, web-friendliest form that is compatible with your main goals. Plain text is the very best. But many plain text files have special structure and it's nice to accomodate this when viewing the file. GitHub offers special handling for certain types of files:

Sidebar: let's acknowledge the discomfort some people feel about putting processed products under version control. For example, if you have an R Markdown document foo.rmd, it can be knit() to produce the intermediate product, which can be further processed to yield the ultimate output foo.html. Which of those files are you "allowed" to put under version control? Source-is-real hardliners will say only foo.rmd but pragmatists know this can be a serious bummer in real life. I do not attempt to settle this here. This is a note about cool things GitHub can do with various file types, if they happen to end up in your repo. I won't ask you how they got there.


You will quickly discover that GitHub renders Markdown files very nicely. By clicking on, you'll get a decent preview of foo.html. Yay!

Aggressively exploit this handy feature. Make Markdown your default format for narrative text files and use them liberally to embed notes to yourself and others in a repository hosted on Github. It's an easy way to get pseudo-webpages inside a project "for free". You may never even compile these files to HTML explicitly; in many cases, the HTML preview offered by GitHub is all you ever need.

Since GitHub does not provide automatic previewing of R Markdown files, it can be handy to include the intermediate Markdown files produced by knitr in your repo, even if you choose to .gititnore the final HTML. Also, don't use the .rmd extension unless you really have R chunks in your Markdown; if a file is plain Markdown, say that clearly with the .md extension and enjoy the automatic preview.

For a stand-alone document that doesn't fit neatly into a repository or project (yet), make it a Gist. Example: Hadley Wickham's "first stab at a basic R programming curriculum".

To see the source of a Markdown file you're viewing in a GitHub repo, click on "Raw" in the bar containing file information, like name and size. If the file is a Gist, click the <> symbol instead.

You probably already know that GitHub renders at the top-level of your repo as the de facto landing page. This is analogous to what happens when you point a web browser at a directory instead of a specific web page: if there is a file named index.html, that's what the server will show you by default. On GitHub, files named play exactly this role for directories in your repo.

Implication: for any logical group of files or mini project-within-your-project, create a sub-directory in your repository. And then create a file to annotate these files, collect relevant links, etc. Now when you navigate to the sub-directory on GitHub the nicely rendered will simply appear.

Some repositories consist solely of Examples: Jeff Leek's write-ups on How to share data with a statistician or Developing R packages.


This tip seems to be less well-known. If you have an HTML file in a GitHub repository, simply visiting the file shows the raw HTML. Boo. But if you preface the link with, you will see properly rendered HTML. Illustration:

This sort of enhanced link might be one of the useful things to put in a or other Markdown file in the repo.

Source code

You will notice that GitHub does automatic syntax highlighting for source code. For example, notice the coloring of this R script. The file's extension is the primary determinant for if/how syntax highlighting will be applied. You can see information on recognized languages, the default extensions and more here. You should be doing it anyway, but let this be another reason to follow convention in your use of file extensions.

Note you can click on "Raw" in this context as well, to get just the plain text and nothing but the plain text.

Delimited files

GitHub will nicely render "tabular data in the form of .csv (comma-separated) and .tsv (tab-separated) files." You can read more in the blog post announcing this feature in August 2013.

Advice: take advantage of this! If something in your repo can be naturally stored as delimited data, by all means, do so. Make the comma or tab your default delimiter and use the file suffixes GitHub is expecting. I have noticed that GitHub is more easily confused than, say, R about things like quoting, so always inspect the GitHub-rendered .csv or .tsv file in the browser. You may need to do light tidying to get the automagic rendering to work properly.

Here's an example of a tab delimited file on GitHub: lotr_clean.tsv, originally found here.

Note you can click on "Raw" in this context as well, to get just the plain text and nothing but the plain text.


PNG is the "no brainer" format in which to store figures for the web. But many of us like a vector-based format, such as PDF, for general purpose figures. Bottom line: PNGs will drive you less crazy than PDFs on GitHub. To reduce the aggravation around viewing figures in the browser, make sure to have a PNG version in the repo.


Bonus content: linking to a ZIP archive of your repo

This doesn't really belong here but I'll park it here until I write up a topic on using GitHub before / without using Git locally.

Above, we discussed how a nicely rendered view of your repo's top-level automatically appears as your repo's landing page. This, along with the browsable file listing, can be very useful for people who care about the content but who don't (yet) use Git themselves.

But what if such a person needs all the files? Yes, there is a clickable "Download ZIP" button offered by GitHub. But what if you want a link to include in, say, an email or other document? If you add /archive/ to the end of the URL for your repo, you construct a link that will download a ZIP archive of your repository. Click here to try this out on a very small repo:

Go look in your downloads folder!