
Usage overview

After following the installation instructions, the following scripts can be used (see below for more detailed instructions):


Type ./run-synthetic.bash to see the usage and an example. Limitation: note that in this alpha release, only the priorprior kernel with coalescent prior and K2P likelihood model are available. This will be relaxed in future releases. After running one instance of this script (or of run-rna.bash), the output is available in the subdirectory ouput/x.exec, in which you can find the following files:


Type ./run-rna.bash to see the usage and an example. Note that the input file should be a fasta file with aligned RNA sequences. The path should be either absolute or relative to the resources folder (not to run-rna.bash). The limitation described in run-synthetic applies to this command as well. After running an instance, of this script the same output as run-synthetic is available in the subdirectory ouput/x.exec, (see above).


Type ./create-figures.bash to create the figures from the data in the raw-data folder, resources/state/remote. The output is written in the graphics folder.


Similar to run-rna, but instead of computing the consensus, dumps the weighted samples in a file called particles-dump.txt in the exec directory (output/[x].exec/particles-dump.txt). The format is, for each line, the weight of the particle, a tab, and then the tree in newick format corresponding to the particle. This command does not run Mrbayes either, to keep its requirements minimal.