Exchangeability and de Finetti

Alexandre Bouchard-Côté

De Finetti: intuition and motivation

Exchangeable random variables

Poll: Are there random variables where \(X_1 {\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle d}{=}}X_2\) but \(X_1 \neq X_2\)?

  1. This cannot happen \(X_1 {\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle d}{=}}X_2\) if and only if \(X_1 = X_2\)
  2. You flip a fair coin and say what is on the top \(X_1\). Your friend flip another coin \(X_2\) with bias 1/3
  3. You flip a fair coin and say what is on the top \(X_1\). Your friend say what is on the bottom \(X_2\)
  4. You flip a fair coin and say what is on the top \(X_1\). Your friend say what is on the top, \(X_2\)

Poll: Develop a criterion for checking from the joint density if it’s exchangeable.

  1. It should be invariant to 90 degree rotation around the origin (clockwise)
  2. It should be invariant to 90 degree rotation around the origin (counter-clockwise)
  3. It should be symmetric with respect to the line \(y = -x\)
  4. It should be symmetric with respect to the line \(y = x\)

Examples of exchangeable random variables

Poll: Which one is iid (in any)

  1. Only the square is iid
  2. Only the circle is iid
  3. Only the checker board is iid
  4. All of them
  5. None of them

De Finetti: formal statement (vanilla version)

Theorem: if \((X_1, X_2, \dots)\) are exchangeable Bernoulli random variables, then there exists a \(\theta\), a prior on \(\theta\), and a likelihood such that the observations are iid given \(\theta\).

Optional readings