model { # beginning of t loop for (t in 2:(n-1)) { for (poll in 1:4) { for (site in 1:8) { # 4x8 ys arise from the 4 underlying thetas, & 8 site effects & measurement error y.mat[t,poll,site] ~ dnorm([t,poll,site],tau.v[poll,site])[t,poll,site] <- theta[t,poll] +m.adj[poll,site] + temp.effect[t,poll] # end of site loop } # all of the underlying thetas are averages of the two neighbours tmp.theta[t,poll]<- (theta[t-1,poll]+theta[t+1,poll])/2 for (poll2 in 1:4) {[t,poll,poll2] < - (theta[t,poll]-theta[t-1,poll]) * (theta[t,poll2]-theta[t-1,poll2]) } temp.effect[t,poll]<- (beta.temp[poll]*temp.adj[t]) +(beta.temp2[poll]*temp2.adj[t]) # end of poll loop } theta[t,1:4] ~ dmnorm(tmp.theta[t,1:4],Sigma.p2[1:4,1:4]) # temp effects temp.adj[t]<-temp[t] temp2.adj[t]<- temp2[t] # end of t loop } # Set up the priors for 'edges' of the underlying AR process for theta theta[1,1:4]~dmnorm(theta[2,1:4],Sigma.p[1:4,1:4]) theta[n,1:4]~dmnorm(theta[n-1,1:4],Sigma.p[1:4,1:4]) # Set up the priors for the 'edges' of the y's for (poll in 1:4) { for (site in 1:8) { y.mat[1,poll,site] ~ dnorm(theta[1,poll],tau.v[poll,site]) y.mat[n,poll,site] ~ dnorm(theta[n,poll],tau.v[poll,site]) } } # Likelihoods for the 'edges' for (poll1 in 1:4) { for (poll2 in 1:4) {[1,poll1,poll2]<-0[n,poll1,poll2]<-(theta[n,poll1]-theta[n-1,poll1]) * (theta[n,poll2]-theta[n-1,poll2]) } } # Likelihoods for the Wishart parameter # initial values of the priors R[1,1] <- 0.2 R[1,2] <- 0.01 R[1,3] <- 0.01 R[1,4] <- 0.01 R[2,2] <- 0.2 R[2,1] <- 0.01 R[2,3] <- 0.01 R[2,4] <- 0.01 R[3,3] <- 0.2 R[3,1] <- 0.01 R[3,2] <- 0.01 R[3,4] <- 0.01 R[4,4] <- 0.2 R[4,1] <- 0.01 R[4,2] <- 0.01 R[4,3] <- 0.01 for (poll1 in 1:4) { for (poll2 in 1:4) { Rn[poll1,poll2] < - R[poll1,poll2] + sum([1:n,poll1,poll2]) } } K <-2 Kn <- K+ n Sigma.p[1:4,1:4] ~ dwish(Rn[1:4,1:4],Kn) # mutiply the precision by 2, as variance needs to be divided by 2 (average of 2 thetas) for (i in 1:4){ for (j in 1:4){ Sigma.p2[i,j] <- Sigma.p[i,j]*2 } } # put in the inverse stuff here, for the sd matrix / correlation for (i in 1:4){ for (j in 1:4){ var.p[i,j] <- inverse( Sigma.p[,],i,j) } } for (poll in 1:4) { sigma.theta[poll] <- sqrt(var.p[poll,poll]) for (poll2 in 1:4) { corr.theta[poll,poll2] <- var.p[poll,poll2] / (sigma.theta[poll]*sigma.theta[poll2]) } } # Set up the pollutant/site specific observation precisions for (poll in 1:4) { for (site in 1:8) { tau.v[poll,site] ~ dgamma(1,0.01) sigma.v[poll,site] <-1/sqrt(tau.v[poll,site]) } } # Set up the priors for the site specific parameters # set them up as spatial.exp prior, different for each site for (poll in 1:4) { m[poll,1:8] ~ spatial.exp(xcoords[],ycoords[],tau.m[poll],phi1[poll],phi2) } for (poll in 1:4) { sigma.m[poll] <- 1/sqrt(tau.m[poll]) } # and to constrain the sums to be zero - CHECK for quicker approach for (poll in 1:4) { for (site in 1:8) { m.adj[poll,site] <- m[poll,site]-mean(m[poll,1:8]) } } phi2 <- 1 for (poll in 1:4) { phi1[poll]~ dunif(0.0026,0.115) tau.m[poll] ~ dgamma(1,0.01) } # priors for temp<-mean(temp[]) <- mean(temp2[]) for (poll in 1:4) { beta.temp[poll] ~ dnorm(0,0.001) beta.temp2[poll] ~ dnorm(0,0.001) } # Calculate the mean and sd of the thetas for (poll in 1:4) { mean.theta[poll] <- mean(theta[1:n,poll]) sd.theta[poll] <-sd(theta[1:n,poll]) } # end of model