################################################################# ######## Plotting New York ozone monitoring locations. ######## Reference: kahle-wickham2013ggplot2.pdf library(sp) library(ggmap) ny_data <- read.csv("NY.metadata.txt", sep="") ### copy ca_data into ca_data_sp so ### ca_data can be used later by other packages ny_data_sp <- ny_data ### convert data to "sp" format coordinates(ny_data_sp) <- ~Longitude+Latitude ### Specifying the projection code proj4string(ny_data_sp) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84") ### assign a reference system to ca_data_sp ### Specifying the bounding box - 2 x 2 matrix of c ### corners of the geographic area. Then specifying the ### range of locations within the box. The location ### must be in left-bottom-right-top bounding box format latLongBox = bbox(ny_data_sp) location = c(latLongBox[1, 1]-0.2, latLongBox[2, 1]-0, latLongBox[1, 2]+0.2, latLongBox[2, 2]+0.2) ######## Now create the map with location dots marked on it in NYOzoneMap <- get_map(location = location, source = "google", color="bw", maptype="roadmap") NYOzoneMap <- ggmap(NYmap) NYOzoneMap <- NYmap + geom_point(data=ny_data, aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude), size=4) NYOzoneMap