ALLPLOT <- T ### T for all 2^5*3^2 plots ### F for six randomly selected plots source("analyze.q") ### HYPERPARAMETERS sd.alpha <- c(10,10) sd.beta <- c(10,10,0.5) shp.lam <- 0.01; scl.lam <- 0.01 shp.sig <- 0.01; scl.sig <- 0.01 shp.tau <- 0.01; scl.tau <- 0.01 shp.tau <- 5; scl.tau <- 1.25 ### DESIGN SETTINGS VARRAT.VAL <- c(0.25, 0.5) RHO.XS.VAL <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75) RHO.YX.S.VAL <- c(0.15, 0.5) RHO.YS.X.VAL <- c(0, 0.15, 0.3) if (!ALLPLOT) { postscript("/usr/local/data/gustaf/instrument/") par(mfrow=c(3,4)) } ### j1,j2,j3,j4 index the two-level factors set.seed(133); set.seed(17) RANDPLOT <- sample( c(rep(F, 2^4*3^2 - 8), rep(T, 8) ) ) tmp <- RANDPLOT; tmp[tmp==T] <- c(rep(F,4),rep(T,4)) RANDPLOT <- c(RANDPLOT,tmp) plotndx <- 0 for (j1 in 1:2) { for (j2 in 1:2) { for (j3 in 1:2) { for (j4 in 1:2) { for (j5 in 1:2) { ### which prior on beta3 if (j1==1) { sd.beta[3] <- 0.5 } if (j1==2) { sd.beta[3] <- 5 } ### which prior on tau2 if (j2==1) { shp.tau <- 4; scl.tau <- 1} if (j2==2) { shp.tau <- .01; scl.tau <- 0.01 } ### how much meas err tau2 <- VARRAT.VAL[j3] ### sign of beta[3] sgn3 <- c(-1,1)[j4] ### size of target effect RHO.YX.S <- RHO.YX.S.VAL[j5] if (ALLPLOT) { postscript(paste("/usr/local/data/gustaf/instrument/", c("L","H")[j1], c("L","H")[j2], c("L","H")[j3], c("L","H")[j5], c("L","H")[j4], ".ps",sep="")) par(mfrow=c(3,3)) } for (i1 in 1:3) { for (i2 in 1:3) { RHO.XS <- RHO.XS.VAL[i1] RHO.YS.X <- RHO.YS.X.VAL[i2] ### three innocous choices beta <- c(0, NA, NA) alpha <- c(0, NA) sig2 <- 1 ### remaining design choices alpha[2] <- RHO.XS; lam2 <- 1-RHO.XS^2 beta[3] <- sgn3*sqrt ( sig2 / (1-RHO.XS^2) * RHO.YS.X / (1-RHO.YS.X) ) beta[2] <- sqrt ( sig2 / (1-RHO.XS^2) * RHO.YX.S / (1-RHO.YX.S) ) tmp <- analyze(alpha, beta, tau2, lam2, sig2, sd.alpha, sd.beta, scl.tau, shp.tau, scl.lam, shp.lam, scl.sig, shp.sig, GRLEN=2500) plotndx <- plotndx+1 if (ALLPLOT || RANDPLOT[plotndx]) { if (ALLPLOT) { yl <- max(tmp$pstdens) } if (!ALLPLOT) { yl <- 25 } plot(-100,-100, xlim=c(-1.5,1.5), ylim=c(-0.22,1.05)*yl, col="blue", xlab=expression(beta[3]), ylab="Density") title(paste(c("L","H")[j1], c("L","H")[j2], c("L","H")[j3], c("L","M","H")[i1], c("L","H")[j5], c("L","H")[j4], c("L","M","H")[i2], sep="")) # if (tmp$lft>((-3)*sd.beta[3])) { # rect(-3*sd.beta[3],-0.22*yl,tmp$lft,-0.12*yl, # col=gray(.5),border=F) } # if (tmp$rht<((3)*sd.beta[3])) { # rect(tmp$rht,-0.22*yl,3*sd.beta[3],-0.12*yl, # col=gray(.5),border=F) } rect(tmp$lft, -0.22*yl, tmp$rht, -0.12*yl, col=gray(0.5), border=F) gr2 <- seq(from=(-3)*sd.beta[3], to=3*sd.beta[3], length=500) points(gr2, dnorm(gr2, sd=sd.beta[3]),type="l", col=gray(.5)) points(tmp$gr, tmp$pstdens, type="l") points(beta[3], -0.08*yl, pch=17, cex=1.35) } } } if (ALLPLOT) { } } } } } } if (!ALLPLOT) { }