Webster-Clark et. al. (2024). Variable selection when estimating effects in external target populations Am. J. Epi. (AVAILABLE).
TASK: Prepare a crisp and lively description of the idea in your own voice. Demonstrate and/or tweak the method in a situation as different as possible from the authors' examples. Comment on what you perceive as strengths and weaknesses of the work. Suggest a few directions for futher research that someone (not necessarily you!) might pursue.
Cole et. al. (2023). Illustration of 2 Fusion Designs and Estimators Am. J. Epi. (AVAILABLE).
TASK: Prepare a crisp and lively description of the idea in your own voice. Demonstrate and/or tweak the method in a situation as different as possible from the authors' examples. Comment on what you perceive as strengths and weaknesses of the work. Suggest a few directions for futher research that someone (not necessarily you!) might pursue.