Kunling Wu

Lang Wu

Simultaneous Inference for Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Informative Dropout and Missing Covariates

St.Paul's Hospital

Natalie Thompson

Paul Gustafson

Unsupervised Feature Selection in Mixture Modelling - A Bayesian Approach

Bioinformatician. C.H. Best Institute at the University of Toronto

Shahadut Hossain

Paul Gustafson

A Conservative Prior for Bayesian Hierarchical Models in Biostatistics

Ph.D. student, UBC

Lei Han

John Petkau

Longitudinal Analyses for Ordinal Expanded Disability Status Scale Scores from a Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trial

Lindsey Turner

John Petkau

Longitudinal Analyses for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Outcomes in the PRISMS Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trial

Ph.D. student, Dept. of Applied Statistics, University of Reading, England

Aihua Pu

Comparison of Normalization Methods and the Methods for Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes

Biostatistician, St.Paul's Hospital, Vancouver

Eugenia Yu

Michael Schulzer

Analyses of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data in a Randomized Clinical Trial in the Presence of a Lag Time in the Stabilization of Treatment

Statistician, HIV Trials Network, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver

Mahbubur Rashid Azad Kazi

Paul Gustafson

Non-additive Effects in Logistics Regression

Lecturer, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rachael MacKay Altman

John Petkau

Hidden Markov Models: Multiple Processes and Model Selection

NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Washington