
Partial solutions for some of the recent modelling examples

Here is a simple hierarchical model to attack this problem:

package ex.vax import static extension ex.vax.Utils.* model Vaccines { param GlobalDataSource data param Plate<String> trials param Plate<String> arms param Plated<IntVar> groupSizes random Plated<IntVar> numbersOfCases random Plated<RealVar> efficacies random Plated<RealVar> incidences random RealVar a ?: latentReal, b ?: latentReal, c ?: latentReal, d ?: latentReal laws { a ~ Exponential(0.001) b ~ Exponential(0.001) c ~ Exponential(0.001) d ~ Exponential(0.001) for (Index<String> trial : trials.indices) { efficacies.get(trial) | a,b ~ Beta(a, b) incidences.get(trial) | c,d ~ Beta(c, d) } for (Index<String> trial : trials.indices) { for (Index<String> arm : arms.indices) { numbersOfCases.get(trial, arm) | IntVar groupSize = groupSizes.get(trial, arm), RealVar efficacy = if (arm.isControl) 0.0 else efficacies.get(trial), RealVar incidence = incidences.get(trial) ~ Binomial(groupSize, incidence * (1.0 - efficacy)) } } } }

Instead of assuming a logistic change in failure probability, this model assumes that it is piecewise constant with an unknown change point:

package ex.cp model ChallengerChangePoint { random List<RealVar> failureParameters ?: latentRealList(2) random RealVar changePoint ?: latentReal random IntVar prediction ?: latentInt random List<IntVar> incidents param List<RealVar> temperatures laws { for (RealVar failureParameter : failureParameters) { failureParameter ~ Normal(0.0, 100.0) } changePoint ~ Normal(70.0, 100.0) for (int i : 0 ..< incidents.size) { incidents.get(i) | RealVar temperature = temperatures.get(i), failureParameters, changePoint ~ Bernoulli(logistic(failureParameters.get(if (temperature < changePoint) 0 else 1))) } prediction | failureParameters, changePoint ~ Bernoulli(logistic(failureParameters.get(if (31 < changePoint) 0 else 1))) } }

To summarize all the marginal likelihood for different models we tried on the challenger data:


Blang model

Marginal likelihood

Basic logistic regression


Spike-and-slab logistic regression


Spike-and-slab logistic regression (modified prior)


Change point model


So we can see that the change point model outperforms the other ones according to the marginal likelihood criterion.

Here is an implementation of a simple model to approach the German Tank problem.

Read the example given in this wikipedia article, In the code below, I am using the same observation as in the wikipedia example (summarized with the sufficient statistics that 4 serial numbers were sampled, and that the maximum observed in these 4 is the serial number '60'):
package model SerialInference { random IntVar observedMax ?: fixedInt(60) random IntVar populationSize ?: latentInt param IntVar nDraws ?: fixedInt(4) laws { // An example of a discrete prior: here in this historical example, // the unknown quantity of // interest was the number of tanks in the German WW2 army. // The distribution DiscreteUniform comes from the standard library. populationSize ~ DiscreteUniform(0, 101) // In contrast, we will construct SerialSampling by ourself. // "observedMax" will be matched to the variables marked as random in //, while "populationSize, nDraws" will be matched to // the variables marked as param in observedMax | populationSize, nDraws ~ SerialSampling(populationSize, nDraws) } }

We obtain a credible interval from 61 to 91.

The implementation of the likelihood, SerialSampling, is shown below:

package import static extension java.util.Collections.shuffle model SerialSampling { random IntVar maxRealization param IntVar populationSize param IntVar nDraws laws { // This illustrates a second method from specifying a (conditional) // distribution: writing a function that computes the (log) of the // (conditional) probability. logf(maxRealization; populationSize, nDraws) { // The probability is 0 (i.e. the log probability is minus infinity) // when the parameters are invalid. if (populationSize < 1 || nDraws < 1 || maxRealization < 0) { return NEGATIVE_INFINITY } if (maxRealization + 1 < nDraws) { return NEGATIVE_INFINITY } if (populationSize <= maxRealization) { return NEGATIVE_INFINITY } return logBinomial(maxRealization, nDraws - 1) - logBinomial(populationSize, nDraws) } } // This part specifies how to *sample* from the probability model. You can think of rand // as being an outcome, and the code below is then responsible to evaluate the random // variable at that realization. generate(rand) { val List<Integer> list = (0 ..< populationSize).toList list.shuffle(rand) return list.subList(0, nDraws).max } }