Schedule (subject to change!)

Warning: Dates in the future (in particular, assignment release and due dates) will sometimes change to adjust to the pace I cover the material.

Note: files for assignments under Files.

Note: Unless noted otherwise, readings are in 'The Bayesian Choice', C.P. Robert.

Meeting Notes Topics Readings Homework (out) Homework (due)
02/25 Overview, logistics, foundational concepts based on a discrete example Chapter 3 Exercise 1
02/27 Prediction, calibration, credible intervals, goodness-of-fit/predictive checks, debugging Bayesian code,
03/04 Project idea discussion during office hours Doob, well/mis-specified divide, unidentifiability 4.1, 5.5 Exercise 1
03/06 Bernstein von-Mises, exchangeability, de Finetti, using Monte Carlo samples Software install HW
03/11 Basic model building using JAGS (GLMs, AB testing) 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 Exercise 2 Software install HW
03/13 Hierarchical models 10.2
03/18 Project idea discussion during office hours First look under the hood: slice sampling Chapter 6 Exercise 2
03/20 More advanced MCMC techniques: Parallel Tempering in Blang and HMC in Stan
03/25 Decision theory Chapter 2, 4.2 Poject abstract due
03/27 Decision theory, continued. Clustering. Model selection. Chapter 7 Exercise 3
04/01 Model selection, continued.
04/03 Overview of further topics (from: reference priors, ABC, pseudo-marginal methods) Exercise 3
04/24 Project report