Syllabus: Topics in Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory.

Description: Bayesian statistics provides a wide range of tools to approach data analysis. This course is composed of (1) a Bayesian "bootcamp" facilitated by probabilistic programming languages; (2) more specialized topics, with an emphasis on computational Bayesian statistics; (3) a final project in teams or individually.

Prerequisite: Background in probability (e.g. Stat 302 or equivalent). Exposure to inference or machine learning (e.g. STAT 460 / 560 or MATH 419 or CS 540 or equivalent). If you are not sure, come talk to me after one or two lectures.


Handing-in files:

Final project:

The course project involves independent work on the topic of your choice but with the constraint that it should incorporate one of the following (in some exceptional cases a project not doing so might in principle be possible but if you want to do that a case should be made well in advance that the proposed plan is directly relevant to this course, i.e. the bulk of it is going to use or extend techniques taught in the course)

Note: some projects may combine many of the above.

Final project logistics:

Project timeline:

Textbook: I recommend C. Robert's "The Bayesian Choice". Other optional references will be posted at the bottom of the lecture note files.

Additional readings:

Office hours: See Contact tab above.