
How to run code snippet LaunchPrediction-2095125564

If you have not installed the blang command line interface tool, follow these instructions.

Use the following steps to download and run the code shown in the snippet

  1. First download the zip file containing the code, and unzip the file.

  2. In the terminal, use cd to go inside the decompressed directory.

  3. Run the code using the following command:

blang --model --postProcessor DefaultPostProcessor --engine.nScans 10_000

Sign up to Silico

Use the following steps to run the code on the cloud:

  1. First download the zip file containing the code, and unzip the file.

  2. In Silico, create a new model.

  3. Copy and paste the files in the zip archive to the newly created model.

  4. Select as the "Entry Point."

  5. In addition, create a file called configuration.txt with the following contents:"

--postProcessor DefaultPostProcessor --engine.nScans 10_000

Click Run.