
UBC Statistics

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Research Highlight

Data Science information page.


Aug 8 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Masha Naslidnyk, PhD student, Department of Statistical Science, University College London
ESB 4192 / Zoom


Parham Pishrobat, a master's student in Statistics, earned the second prize for his oral presentation in the master’s section at...

Evan Sidrow was awarded the Student Oral Presentation Award at the 2024 Western North American Region of the International Biometric Society (WNAR) student paper competition.

From July 8 to July 10, 2024, Katie Burak, Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Statistics, led the Data Science Camp for Girls at UBC Vancouver Campus.

The Nash Medal in Statistics in the 2023-2024 academic year is awarded to Yihang He, who graduates with a...

The Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) has named Evan Sidrow as a Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow for 2024-2026.

The Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) recently announced Statistics Professor Alexandre Bouchard-Côté as the recipient of this year’s CRM-SSC Prize in...