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Course Lookup

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Title Session Yearsort descending Session Code Course Outline Instructor
STAT 560: Statistical Theory I 2018 Winter Natalia Nolde
STAT 302: Introduction to Probability 2018 Winter Lang Wu
STAT 200: Elementary Statistics for Applications 2018 Winter STAT 200 Outline (2018WT2) Melissa Lee
STAT 305: Introduction to Statistical Inference 2018 Winter
STAT 251: Elementary Statistics 2018 Winter 2018_stat_251_w1.pdf W. A. Lasantha Premarathna
STAT 306: Finding Relationships in Data 2018 Winter
STAT 302: Introduction to Probability 2018 Winter outlines.stat_302_17.pdf Eugenia Yu, Ruben H Zamar
STAT 321: Stochastic Signals and Systems 2018 Winter Matías Salibián-Barrera
STAT 305: Introduction to Statistical Inference 2018 Winter
STAT 344: Sample Surveys 2018 Winter Lang Wu
STAT 306: Finding Relationships in Data 2018 Winter
STAT 404: Design and Analysis of Experiments 2018 Winter STAT 404 Outline (2018WT1) Harry Joe
STAT 450: Case Studies in Statistics 2018 Winter Gabriela V. Cohen Freue
STAT 406: Methods for Statistical Learning 2018 Winter Matías Salibián-Barrera
STAT 461: Statistical Inference II 2018 Winter outlines.stat461_18-19jc.docx Jiahua Chen
STAT 460: Statistical Inference I 2018 Winter Natalia Nolde
STAT 520A: Topics in Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory 2018 Winter stat_520a_18.pdf Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
STAT 406: Methods for Statistical Learning 2019 Winter stat406_19-20_ms.pdf Matías Salibián-Barrera
STAT 443: Time Series and Forecasting 2019 Winter stat_443_19-20_bd.pdf Bruce Dunham
STAT 460: Statistical Inference I 2019 Winter Ruben H Zamar
