Publications by Department Members
Likelihood With Applications. Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference. Springer Science and Business Media; 2012; 148: 211. .
Tail comonotonicity and conservative risk measures. ASTIN Bulletin. Peeters; 2012; 42: 601-629. DOI: 10.2143/AST42.2.2182810 .
Tail comonotonicity: Properties, constructions, and asymptotic additivity of risk measures. Insurance Mathematics & Economics. Elsevier Science BV; 2012; 51: 492-503. DOI: 10.1016/j.insmatheco.2012.07.006 .
Book Review of ``Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications, by AW Marshall, I. Olkin and BC Arnold, Springer". Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. Cambridge University Press; 2012; 26: 449–453. DOI: 10.1017/S0269964812000113 .
Multivariate inverse Gaussian and skew-normal densities. Statistics & Probability Letters. Elsevier Science BV; 2012; 82: 2244-2251. DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2012.08.004 .
The impact of price discounts and calorie messaging on beverage consumption: A multi-site field study. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2012; 55: 629–633. URL: .
Entangled Monte Carlo. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS). 2012. pp. 2735–2743. .
A robust and sparse K-means clustering algorithm. arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.6082. 2012;. .
Testing the order of a finite mixture. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor & Francis; 2012;. .
Two-step and likelihood methods for HIV viral dynamic models with covariate measurement errors and missing data. Journal of Applied Statistics [Internet]. 2012; 39: 963–978. DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2011.632404 URL: .
On the detectability of different forms of interaction in regression models. Metrika. Springer; 2012; 75: 347–365. DOI: 10.1007/s00184-010-0330-8 .
A yeast phenomic model for the gene interaction network modulating CFTR-deltaF508 protein biogenesis. Genome Med. 2012; 4: 103. .
A yeast phenomic model for the gene interaction network modulating F508del-CFTR protein biogenesis. Genome Medicine. BioMed Central Ltd; 2012; 4. .
A yeast phenomic model for the gene interaction network modulating CFTR-Delta F508 protein biogenesis. GENOME MEDICINE. 236 GRAYS INN RD, FLOOR 6, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD; 2012; 4: 103. .
Is probabilistic bias analysis approximately Bayesian?. Epidemiology [Internet]. 2012; 23: 151. DOI: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e31823b539c URL: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e31823b539c .
Physical activity implementation in schools: a 4-year follow-up. Am J Prev Med. 2012; 43: 369–377. .
Hierarchical priors for bias parameters in Bayesian sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding. Statistics in Medicine. 2012; 31: 383–396. DOI: 10.1002/sim.4453 .
Synthetic Lethality of Cohesins with PARPs and Replication Fork Mediators. PLOS GENETICS. 1160 BATTERY STREET, STE 100, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 USA: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE; 2012; 8: e1002574. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002574 .
Labeling Nodes Using Three Degrees of Propagation. PLOS ONE. 1160 BATTERY STREET, STE 100, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 USA: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE; 2012; 7: e51947. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051947 .
Combining many interaction networks to predict gene function and analyze gene lists. PROTEOMICS. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL; 2012; 12: 1687-1696. DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201100607 .
Vine copulas with asymmetric tail dependence and applications to financial return data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Elsevier Science BV; 2012; 56: 3659-3673. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2010.07.016 .
Hierarchical likelihood methods for nonlinear and generalized linear mixed models with missing data and measurement errors in covariates. Journal of Multivariate Analysis [Internet]. 2012; 109: 42–51. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmva.2012.02.011 URL: .
Pair copula constructions for multivariate discrete data. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Amer Statistical Assoc; 2012; 107: 1063-1072. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2012.682850 .
Nearest-neighbors medians clustering. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining [Internet]. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company; 2012; 5: 349–362. DOI: 10.1002/sam.11149 URL: .
Application of linear discriminant analysis in performance evaluation of extractable nuclear antigen immunoassay systems in the screening and diagnosis of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases. American journal of clinical pathology. American Society for Clinical Pathology; 2012; 138: 596–603. .
Unique FISH Patterns Associated with Cancer Progression of Oral Dysplasia. Journal of Dental Research [Internet]. 2012; 91: 52–57. DOI: 10.1177/0022034511425676 URL: .
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data: With Applications in R. CRC Press; 2012. .
Preferential sampling in long term monitoring of air pollution: a case study. Vancouver, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 2012. .
Unbiasing estimates from preferentially sampled spatial data. Vancouver, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 2012. .
Partial monotonicity of entropy measures. Statistics & Probability Letters. North-Holland; 2012; 82: 1935–1940. .
Association between use of interferon beta and progression of disability in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association [Internet]. American Medical Association; 2012; 308: 247–256. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2012.7625 URL: .
Treatment with interferon beta for multiple sclerosis: reply. Journal of the American Medical Association. 330 N WABASH AVE, STE 39300, CHICAGO, IL 60611-5885 USA: AMER MEDICAL ASSOC; 2012; 308: 1627-1628. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2012.13573 .
Association between use of interferon beta and progression of disability in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Journal of the American Medical Association. 330 N WABASH AVE, STE 39300, CHICAGO, IL 60611-5885 USA: AMER MEDICAL ASSOC; 2012; 308: 247-256. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2012.7625 .
Plasma proteomics can discriminate isolated early from dual responses in asthmatic individuals undergoing an allergen inhalation challenge. PROTEOMICS-Clinical Applications. 2012; 6: 476–485. .
Genetics and evolution of function-valued traits: understanding environmentally responsive phenotypes. Trends Ecol. Evol. (Amst.). 2012; 27: 637–647. .
Natural, innate improvements in multiple sclerosis disability. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD; 2012; 18: 1412-1421. DOI: 10.1177/1352458512439119 .
Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. In: . Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections; 2012. pp. 131-153. .
Multiagent estimators of an exponential mean. In Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 2012. pp. 131–153. .
Subset selection–extended Rizvi–Sobel for unequal sample sizes and its implementation. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. Taylor and Francis; 2012; 24: 299–315. .
Harnessing Non-Local Evolutionary Events for Tree Inference. In Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2012. .
Partial Identification arising from Nondifferential Exposure Misclassification: How Informative are Data on the Unlikely, Maybe, and Likely Exposed?. International Journal of Biostatistics [Internet]. 2012; 8: issue 1, article 31. DOI: 10.1515/1557-4679.1397 URL: .
Partial identification arising from nondifferential exposure misclassification: how informative are data on the unlikely, maybe, and likely exposed?. The international journal of biostatistics. 2012; 8. DOI: 10.1515/1557-4679.1397 .
Vaginal progesterone to prevent preterm birth in multiple pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. J Perinat Med. 2012; 40: 593–599. .
A Bayesian method for estimating prevalence in the presence of a hidden sub-population. Statistics in Medicine. Wiley Online Library; 2012; 31: 2386–2398. DOI: 10.1002/sim.5374 .
Harvesting Classification Trees for Drug Discovery. Journal of chemical information and modeling [Internet]. 2012; 52: 3169–3180. URL: .
A review of dynamic duration of load models for lumber strength. Vancouver, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 2012. .
Stochastic models for the effects of duration of load on lumber properties. Vancouver, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 2012. .
Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) Profiles—Validated Risk Predictors for Progression to Oral Cancer. Cancer Prevention Research [Internet]. 2012; 5: 1081–1089. DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-12-0173 URL: .