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Introducing UBC Vancouver’s Data Science Minor

After rigorous review and refinement, it’s official: UBC Vancouver is proud to announce a new minor in Data Science. The new program will launch in September 2021 with its first cohort of students.

Data science is becoming essential across multiple domains. Fields like manufacturing, education, marketing, psychology, and health are all requiring data science expertise at unprecedented levels. Students who complete the minor will be able to offer employers a robust ability to wrangle...

Professor Emeritus James Zidek receives first UBC Emeritus College Award for Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavors

We’re delighted to announce that our Professor Emeritus James (Jim) Zidek is the inaugural recipient of the UBC Emeritus College Award for Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavors. This new award honours UBC’s emeriti “who have demonstrated excellence in their engagement in innovative research, artistic creation, or new applications of previous research since attaining Emeritus status.”

As an emeritus...

Department virtual mixer at the SSC on Monday, June 7

Next week is the Statistical Society of Canada’s 2021 Annual Meeting.

Kicking off the week of scientific talks and social events, the SSC program includes a UBC Statistics (Vancouver) virtual mixer on Monday, June 7 from 9:30am to 10:30am PDT.

If you’re a current or former member of the department and you’ve already signed up for next week’s annual meeting, you’re encouraged...

Announcing the 2020 Marshall Prize co-winners

We’re delighted to announce two winners of the department’s 2020 Marshall Prize. This year, the Marshall Prize co-winners are PhD students Anthony Christidis and Saifuddin (Saif) Syed.

In honour of our Professor Emeritus Albert Marshall, the Marshall Prize is awarded annually to a statistics graduate student who has achieved great distinction according to the professional and academic criteria by...

Professor Bruce Dunham awarded the 2021 PIMS Education Prize

We’re thrilled to congratulate our Professor of Teaching, Bruce Dunham, for receiving the 2021 PIMS Education Prize.

The PIMS Education Prize, presented by the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, is “awarded to a member of the PIMS community who has made a significant contribution to...

Professor Ruben Zamar awarded IMS Fellowship

We’re excited to announce that our Professor Ruben Zamar has been named as a Fellow in the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS). Ruben is one of only 41 recipients from around the world who were honoured with this prestigious award this year.

The citation of Ruben’s award reads: For fundamental contributions in Robust...

Announcing our three Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistant Award winners

We are pleased to honour Anthony-Alexander Christidis, Gian Carlo Di-Luvi, and Archer Gong Zhang with Statistics Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards. We know that many department members contribute to our teaching mission, and we want to take the opportunity to not only honour these three, but to thank everyone.

Thank you to all of our dedicated teaching assistants and others who...

CANSSI Collaborative Research Team awards for professors Gabriela Cohen Freue and Will Welch

Congratulations to our professors Gabriela Cohen Freue and Will Welch, who have each received a Collaborative Research Team (CRT) award from the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI). These awards will fund CRT projects that involve collaborators across Canada.

CANSSI CRT projects

CANSSI CRT projects span three years and have a broad research scope. During a project, a team...

CANSSI National Seminar Series: Winter/spring lineup & journal club

Since September, the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) has been hosting a series of monthly virtual seminars, broadcast live on the fourth Thursday of the month. The series is continuing this winter and spring with three more speakers. To close the series, there’ll be one additional talk by a distinguished lecturer on April 22, 2021. 

Each speaker will provide a read-ahead journal...

Call for nominations: Department of Statistics Award in Data Science for Academic Year 2020–21

The Department of Statistics is soliciting nominations for the Department of Statistics Award in Data Science, an award to recognize the importance of developing and applying tools to answer important questions through the analysis of data.

This $1,000 award is offered to an undergraduate or graduate student who has demonstrated initiative and creativity in making outstanding contributions in the field of Data Science. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of...
