Publications by Department Members
The impact of ongoing illicit drug use on methadone adherence in illicit drug users receiving treatment for HIV in a directly observed therapy program. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Elsevier; 2007; 89: 306–309. .
Consistency of the constrained maximum likelihood estimator in finite normal mixture models. 2007 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistical Education [CD-ROM]. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA. 2007;: 2113–2119. .
The application of Bayesian analysis to issues in developmental research. International Journal of Behavioral Development. Sage Publications; 2007; 31: 366–373. DOI: 10.1177/0165025407077763 .
CLUES: A non-parametric clustering method based on local shrinking. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 2007; 52: 286-298. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2006.12.016 .
Exploration of cluster structure-activity relationship analysis in efficient high-throughput screening. Journal of chemical information and modeling [Internet]. 2007; 47: 1206–1214. URL: .
A computationally efficient method for nonlinear mixed-effects models with nonignorable missing data in time-varying covariates. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis [Internet]. 2007; 51: 2410–2419. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2006.07.036 URL: .
HIV viral dynamic models with dropouts and missing covariates. Statistics in Medicine [Internet]. 2007; 26: 3342–3357. DOI: 10.1002/sim.2816 URL: .
Genetic profiling of dendritic cells exposed to live-or ultraviolet-irradiated Chlamydia muridarum reveals marked differences in CXC chemokine profiles. Immunology. Wiley Online Library; 2007; 120: 160–172. .
Bath Institute For Complex Systems. 2007;. .
A framework for predicting personal exposures to environmental hazards. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Springer; 2007; 14: 411–431. .
A framework for predicting personal exposures to environmental hazards. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Springer; 2007; 14: 411–431. .
A note on the uniform asymptotic normality of location M-estimates. Metrika. Springer; 2006; 63: 55–69. .
Reply to Hagdu and to Moss et al. Journal of Infectious Diseases. Oxford University Press; 2006; 193: 1338–1339. .
The impact of the Canadian Hypertension Education Program on antihypertensive prescribing trends. Hypertension. 2006; 47: 22–28. .
Range of correlation matrices for dependent Bernoulli random variables. Biometrika. 2006; 93: 197-206. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/93.1.197 .
A tournament approach to the detection of multiple associations in genome-wide studies with pedigree data. Working Paper 2006-09, www. stats. uwaterloo. ca. Department of Statistics & Actuarial Sciences, University of Waterloo; 2006. .
Information criterion and change point problem for regular models. Sankhy\=a: The Indian Journal of Statistics. JSTOR; 2006;: 252–282. .
Parallel computation of high-dimensional robust correlation and covariance matrices. Algorithmica. Springer; 2006; 45: 403–431. .
Parallel computation of high-dimensional robust correlation and covariance matrices. Algorithmica. Springer; 2006; 45: 403–431. .
Testing for homogeneity in genetic linkage analysis. Statistica Sinica. C/O DR HC HO, INST STATISTICAL SCIENCE, ACADEMIA SINICA, TAIPEI 115, TAIWAN; 2006; 16: 805. .
Meta-analysis of differentiating mouse embryonic stem cell gene expression kinetics reveals early change of a small gene set. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 185 BERRY ST, STE 1300, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 USA: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE; 2006; 2: e158. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0020158 .
Accounting for independent nondifferential misclassification does not increase certainty than an observed association is in the correct direction. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2006; 164: 63-68. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwj155 .
The performance of random coefficient regression in accounting for residual confounding. Biometrics. 2006; 62: 760-768. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2005.00510.x .
Curious phenomena in Bayesian adjustment for exposure misclassification. Statistics in Medicine. 2006; 25: 87-103. DOI: 10.1002/sim.2341 .
Conservative prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 2006; 34: 377–390. DOI: 10.1002/cjs.5550340302 .
Sample size implications when biases are modelled rather than ignored. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. 2006; 169: 883-902. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2006.00436.x .
Long-term low-molecular-weight heparin versus usual care in proximal-vein thrombosis patients with cancer. Am. J. Med. 2006; 119: 1062–1072. .
On the asymptotic distribution of Pearson's $X^2$ in cross-validation samples. Psychometrika. Springer; 2006; 71: 587-592. DOI: 10.1007/s11336-005-1284-z .
Range of correlation matrices for dependent random variables with given marginal distributions. In: . Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and Inference. Birkhauser Boston; 2006. pp. 125-142. DOI: 10.1007/0-8176-4487-3_8 .
Discussion of “Copulas: Tales and facts”, by Thomas Mikosch. Extremes. Springer; 2006; 9: 37–41. DOI: 10.1007/s10687-006-0019-6 .
Generating random correlation matrices based on partial correlations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Elsevier Inc; 2006; 97: 2177-2189. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmva.2005.05.010 .
Iron regulation of the major virulence factors in the AIDS-associated pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. PLoS Biol. 2006; 4: e410. .
Association of postoperative complications with hospital costs and length of stay in a tertiary care center. J Gen Intern Med. 2006; 21: 177–180. .
The matrix-t distribution and its applications in predictive inference. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Elsevier; 2006; 97: 785–795. .
Statistical analysis of environmental space-time processes. Springer Science and Business Media; 2006. .
MRI T2 lesion burden in multiple sclerosis: A plateauing relationship with clinical disability. Neurology. AAN Enterprises; 2006; 66: 1384–1389. .
An end-to-end discriminative approach to machine translation. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL06). 2006. pp. 761–768. .
Computer model calibration or tuning in practice. Technometrics, submitted for publication [Internet]. 2006;. URL: .
Peripartum myocardial ischemia: a review of Canadian deliveries from 1970 to 1998. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2006; 194: 1027–1033. .
An innovative application of Bayesian disease mapping methods to patient safety research: A Canadian adverse medical event study. Statistics in medicine. Wiley Online Library; 2006; 25: 3960–3980. DOI: 10.1002/sim.2507 .
Limited information goodness-of-fit testing in multidimensional contingency tables. Psychometrika. Springer; 2006; 71: 713-732. DOI: 10.1007/s11336-005-1295-9 .
Modulation of the TLR-mediated inflammatory response by the endogenous human host defense peptide LL-37. J. Immunol. 2006; 176: 2455–2464. .
Ordinal regression model and the linear regression model were superior to the logistic regression models. J Clin Epidemiol. 2006; 59: 448–456. .
Application of modified information criterion to multiple change point problems. Journal of multivariate analysis. Elsevier; 2006; 97: 2221–2241. .
Assessment of mental health and illness by telephone survey: experience with an Alberta mental health survey. Chronic Dis Can. 2006; 27: 99–109. .
Some Improved Tests for Multivariate One-Sided Hypotheses. Metrika [Internet]. 2006; 64: 23–39. DOI: 10.1007/s00184-006-0028-0 URL: .
A robust linear grouping algorithm. In: . COMPSTAT 2006: Proceedings in Computational Statistics. TIERGARTENSTR 17, D-69121 HEIDELBERG, GERMANY: PHYSICA-VERLAG GMBH & CO; 2006. pp. 43-53. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7908-1709-6_4 .
Dynamic variable selection in SNP genotype autocalling from APEX microarray data. BMC bioinformatics [Internet]. 2006; 7: 1. URL: .
Dynamic variable selection in SNP genotype autocalling from APEX microarray data. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. MIDDLESEX HOUSE, 34-42 CLEVELAND ST, LONDON W1T 4LB, ENGLAND: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD; 2006; 7: 521. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-521 .