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Publications by Department Members


Adrover J, Berrendero JRamon, Salibian-Barrera M, Zamar RH. Globally robust inference. Estadistica. 2002; 54: 162–163.
Alqallaf FA, Konis KP, R Martin D, Zamar RH. Scalable robust covariance and correlation estimates for data mining. In Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM; 2002. pp. 14–23.
Baser ME, Friedman JM, Wallace AJ, Ramsden RT, Joe H, Evans DGR. Evaluation of clinical diagnostic criteria for neurofibromatosis 2. Neurology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002; 59: 1759-1765. DOI: 10.1212/01.WNL.0000035638.74084.F4
Baser ME, Friedman JM, Aeschliman D, Joe H, Wallace AJ, Ramsden RT, et al. Predictors of the risk of mortality in neurofibromatosis 2. American Journal of Human Genetics. Amer Soc Human Genet; 2002; 71: 715-723. DOI: 10.1086/342716
Brauer M, Brumm J, Vedal S, Petkau AJ. Exposure misclassification and threshold concentrations in time series analyses of air pollution health effects. Risk Analysis. Wiley Online Library; 2002; 22: 1183–1193.
Bryan J, Pollard KS, Van Der Laan MJ. Paired and Unpaired Comparison and Clustering with Gene Expression Data. Statistica Sinica [Internet]. 2002; 12: 87 - 110. URL:
Chen J, Sitter RR, Wu C. Using empirical likelihood methods to obtain range restricted weights in regression estimators for surveys. Biometrika. Biometrika Trust; 2002; 89: 230–237.
Chen J, Kalbfleisch JD, Romero-Hidalgo S. Genetic data analysis of affected sib pairs. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 2002; 30: 145–152.
Chen J, Wu C. Estimation of distribution function and quantiles using the model-calibrated pseudo empirical likelihood method. Statistica Sinica. C/O DR HC HO, INST STATISTICAL SCIENCE, ACADEMIA SINICA, TAIPEI 115, TAIWAN; 2002; 12: 1223–1240.
Chen G, Chen J, Chen Y. Statistical inference on comparing two distribution functions with a possible crossing point. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 2002; 60: 329–341.
Chuang HM, Lin KW, Chen CY, Chen JY, Kao CI, Liu WC. An InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs double channel pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (DC-PHEMT). In Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, 2002 Conference on. IEEE; 2002. pp. 319–322.
Faris PD, Ghali WA, Brant R, Norris CM, Galbraith PD, Knudtson ML. Multiple imputation versus data enhancement for dealing with missing data in observational health care outcome analyses. J Clin Epidemiol. 2002; 55: 184–191.
Gorsche RG, Wiley JP, Brant R, Renger RF, Sasyniuk TM, Burke N. Comparison of outcomes of untreated carpal tunnel syndrome and asymptomatic controls in meat packers. Occup Med (Lond). 2002; 52: 491–496.
Gustafson P. On the simultaneous effects of model misspecification and errors in variables. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley-Blackwell; 2002; 30: 463–474. DOI: 10.2307/3316148
Gustafson P, Le ND, Vallée M. A Bayesian approach to case–control studies with errors in covariables. Biostatistics. Biometrika Trust; 2002; 3: 229–243. DOI: 10.1093/biostatistics/3.2.229
Hall P, Heckman NE. Estimating and depicting the structure of a distribution of random functions. BIOMETRIKA. UNIV COLLEGE LONDON GOWER ST-BIOMETRIKA OFFICE, LONDON WC1E 6BT, ENGLAND: BIOMETRIKA TRUST; 2002; 89: 145-158. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/89.1.145
Harvey S, Rach D, Stainton MC, Jarrell J, Brant R. Evaluation of satisfaction with midwifery care. Midwifery. 2002; 18: 260–267.
Hu Feifang, Zidek JV. The weighted likelihood. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 2002; 30: 347–371.
Jarrell JF, Gocmen A, Akyol D, Brant R. Hexachlorobenzene exposure and the proportion of male births in Turkey 1935-1990. Reprod. Toxicol. 2002; 16: 65–70.
Joe H. Stochastic orderings in random utility models. Mathematical Social Sciences. Natl Sci Fdn; 2002; 43: PII S0165-4896(02)00018-5. DOI: 10.1016/S0165-4896(02)00018-5
Johnson DW, Adair C, Brant R, Holmwood J, Mitchell I. Differences in admission rates of children with bronchiolitis by pediatric and general emergency departments. Pediatrics. 2002; 110: e49.
Kammila S, Campbell NR, Brant R, deJong R, Culleton B. Systematic error in the determination of nocturnal blood pressure dipping status by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Blood Press Monit. 2002; 7: 131–134.
Kibria BMGolam, Sun L, Zidek JV, Le ND. Bayesian spatial prediction of random space-time fields with application to mapping PM2. 5 exposure. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor and Francis; 2002; 97: 112–124.
Knudtson ML, Wyse DG, Galbraith PD, Brant R, Hildebrand K, Paterson D, et al. Chelation therapy for ischemic heart disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2002; 287: 481–486.
Lam RLH, Welch WJ, Young SS. Uniform Coverage Designs for Molecule Selection. Technometrics [Internet]. [Taylor & Francis, Ltd., American Statistical Association, American Society for Quality]; 2002; 44: 99-109. URL:
Lim YB, Sacks J, Studden WJ, Welch WJ. Design and analysis of computer experiments when the output is highly correlated over the input space. Canadian Journal of Statistics [Internet]. 2002; 30: 109–126. URL:
Maronna RA, Zamar RH. Robust multivariate estimates for high dimentional datasets. Working paper, University of La Plata and University of British Columbia; 2002.
Perlman MD, WU LANG. A class of conditional tests for a multivariate one-sided alternative. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference [Internet]. 2002; 107: 155–171. DOI: 10.1016/S0378-3758(02)00250-1 URL:
Salibian-Barrera M, Zamar RH. Bootstrapping robust estimates of regression. ANNALS OF STATISTICS. PO BOX 22718, BEACHWOOD, OH 44122 USA: INST MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS; 2002; 30: 556-582. DOI: 10.1214/aos/1021379865
Salibian-Barrera M, Zamar RH. Bootstrapping robust estimates of regression. Annals of Statistics. JSTOR; 2002;: 556–582.
Svarc M, Yohai VJ, Zamar RH. Optimal Bias Robust M—estimates of Regression. In Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods. Springer; 2002. pp. 191–200.
Szudek J, Joe H, Friedman JM. Analysis of intrafamilial phenotypic variation in neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1). Genetic Epidemiology. 2002; 23: 150-164. DOI: 10.1002/gepi.01129
van Eeden C, Zidek JV. Correction on Estimating one of two normal means when their difference is bounded. Statistics and Probability Letters. North-Holland; 2002; 57: 111.
van Eeden C, Zidek JV. Combining sample information in estimating ordered normal means. Sankhy\=a: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A. 2002;: 588–610.
Wang Y, Chipman HA, Welch WJ. Mining nuggets of activity in high dimensional space from high throughput screening data. University of Waterloo URL=; 2002.
Wolff JE, Sajedi M, Brant R, Coppes MJ, Egeler RM. Choroid plexus tumours. Br. J. Cancer. 2002; 87: 1086–1091.
WU LANG, Wu H. Missing time-dependent covariates in human immunodeficiency virus dynamic models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) [Internet]. 2002; 51: 297–318. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9876.00270 URL:
S. Young S, Lam RL, Welch WJ. Initial compound selection for sequential screening. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development [Internet]. 2002; 5: 422–427. URL:
Zhao Y, Kumar RA, Baser ME, Evans DGR, Wallace A, Kluwe L, et al. Intrafamilial correlation of clinical manifestations in neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2). Genetic Epidemiology. 2002; 23: 245-259. DOI: 10.1002/gepi.10181


Alqallaf F, Gustafson P. On cross-validation of Bayesian models. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 2001; 29: 333–340. DOI: 10.2307/3316081
Berrendero JR, Zamar RH. The maxbias curve of robust regression estimates. The Annals of Statistics. 2001; 29: 224–251.
