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Publications by Department Members


Fraiman R, Yohai VJ, Zamar RH. Optimal robust M-estimates of location. Annals of statistics. JSTOR; 2001;: 194–223.
Ghali WA, Quan H, Brant R, van Melle G, Norris CM, Faris PD, et al. Comparison of 2 methods for calculating adjusted survival curves from proportional hazards models. JAMA. 2001; 286: 1494–1497.
Ghali WA, Quan H, Brant R. Risk adjustment using administrative data: impact of a diagnosis-type indicator. J Gen Intern Med. 2001; 16: 519–524.
Gustafson P. On measuring sensitivity to parametric model misspecification. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology). Wiley Online Library; 2001; 63: 81–94. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9868.00277
Harezlak J, Heckman NE. CriSP: A tool for bump hunting. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS. 1429 DUKE ST, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 USA: AMER STATISTICAL ASSOC; 2001; 10: 713-729. DOI: 10.1198/106186001317243412
Hemmelgarn BR, Ghali WA, Quan H, Brant R, Norris CM, Taub KJ, et al. Poor long-term survival after coronary angiography in patients with renal insufficiency. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 2001; 37: 64–72.
Hu Feifang, Zidek JV. The relevance weighted likelihood with applications. In Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference. Springer; 2001. pp. 211–235.
Hull RD, Pineo GF, Stein PD, Mah AF, MacIsaac SM, Dahl OE, et al. Extended out-of-hospital low-molecular-weight heparin prophylaxis against deep venous thrombosis in patients after elective hip arthroplasty: a systematic review. Ann. Intern. Med. 2001; 135: 858–869.
Joe H. Multivariate extreme value distributions and coverage of ranking probabilities. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 2001; 45: 180-188. DOI: 10.1006/jmps.1999.1294
Knorr EM, Ng RT, Zamar RH. Robust space transformations for distance-based operations. In Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM; 2001. pp. 126–135.
Lazarenko GC, Dobson C, Enokson R, Brant R. Accuracy and speed of urine pregnancy tests done in the emergency department: a prospective study. CJEM. 2001; 3: 292–295.
Le N, Sun L, Zidek JV. Spatial prediction and temporal backcasting for environmental fields having monotone data patterns. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 2001; 29: 529–554.
Susko E, Chen J, Kalbfleisch JD. A diagnostic tool for mixture models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; 2001; 69: 293–313.
Van Der Laan MJ, Bryan J. Gene expression analysis with the parametric bootstrap. Biostatistics. 2001; 2: 445–461.
van Eeden C, Zidek JV. Estimating one of two normal means when their difference is bounded. Statistics and probability letters. Elsevier; 2001; 51: 277–284.
Walker LJ, Gustafson P, Hennig KH. The consolidation/transition model in moral reasoning development. Developmental Psychology. American Psychological Association; 2001; 37: 187. DOI: 10.1037//0012-1649.37.2.187


Campbell NR, Edwards AL, Brant R, Jones C, Mitchell D. Effect on lipid, complete blood count and blood proteins of a standardized preparation for drawing blood: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Invest Med. 2000; 23: 350–354.
Chen J, Shao J. Biases and variances of survey estimators based on nearest neighbor imputation. Journal of Official Statistics. 2000; 16: 113–132.
Chen J, Shao J. Nearest neighbor imputation for survey data. JOURNAL OF OFFICIAL STATISTICS-STOCKHOLM-. ALMQVIST & WIKSELL INTERNATIONAL; 2000; 16: 113–132.
Chen H, Chen J. Bahadur representations of the empirical likelihood quantile processes. Journal of nonparametric statistics. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; 2000; 12: 645–660.
Chen J, Rao JNK, Sitter RR. Efficient random imputation for missing data in complex surveys. Statistica Sinica. C/O DR HC HO, INST STATISTICAL SCIENCE, ACADEMIA SINICA, TAIPEI 115, TAIWAN; 2000; 10: 1153–1170.
Chong DJ, Suchowersky O, Szumlanski C, Weinshilboum RM, Brant R, Campbell NR. The relationship between COMT genotype and the clinical effectiveness of tolcapone, a COMT inhibitor, in patients with Parkinson's disease. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2000; 23: 143–148.
Cree M, Soskolne CL, Belseck E, Hornig J, McElhaney JE, Brant R, et al. Mortality and institutionalization following hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2000; 48: 283–288.
Ebelt ST, Petkau AJ, Vedal S, Fisher TV, Brauer M. Exposure of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients to particulate matter: Relationships between personal and ambient air concentrations. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. Taylor & Francis; 2000; 50: 1081–1094.
Ghali WA, Rothwell DM, Quan H, Brant R, Tu JV. A Canadian comparison of data sources for coronary artery bypass surgery outcome "report cards". Am. Heart J. 2000; 140: 402–408.
Gustafson P, Le ND, Vallée M. Parametric Bayesian analysis of case-control data with imprecise exposure measurements. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 2000; 47: 357–363. DOI: 10.1016/s0167-7152(99)00178-9
Gustafson P. Local robustness in Bayesian analysis. In Robust Bayesian Analysis. Springer; 2000. pp. 71–88. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-1306-2_4
Gustafson P. Bayesian regression modeling with interactions and smooth effects. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor & Francis; 2000; 95: 795–806. DOI: 10.2307/2669463
Hall P, Heckman NE. Testing for monotonicity of a regression mean by calibrating for linear functions. ANNALS OF STATISTICS. IMS BUSINESS OFFICE-SUITE 7, 3401 INVESTMENT BLVD, HAYWARD, CA 94545 USA: INST MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS; 2000; 28: 20-39.
Hall P, Heckman NE. Testing for monotonicity of a regression mean by calibrating for linear functions. Annals of Statistics [Internet]. 2000;: 20–39. URL:
Heckman NE, Zamar RH. Comparing the shapes of regression functions. Biometrika. Biometrika Trust; 2000; 87: 135–144.
Heckman NE, Ramsay JO. Penalized regression with model-based penalties. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS-REVUE CANADIENNE DE STATISTIQUE. 675 DENBURY AVENUE, OTTAWA, ON K2A 2P2, CANADA: CANADIAN JOURNAL STATISTICS; 2000; 28: 241-258. DOI: 10.2307/3315976
Heckman NE, Zamar RH. Comparing the shapes of regression functions. BIOMETRIKA. UNIV COLLEGE LONDON GOWER ST-BIOMETRIKA OFFICE, LONDON, ENGLAND WC1E 6BT: BIOMETRIKA TRUST; 2000; 87: 135-144. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/87.1.135
Heckman NE, Ramsay JO. Penalized regression with model-based penalties. Canadian Journal of Statistics [Internet]. 2000; 28: 241–258. URL:
Hu F, Rosenberger WF, Zidek JV. Relevance weighted likelihood for dependent data. Metrika. Springer; 2000; 51: 223–243.
Hull RD, Raskob GE, Brant RF, Pineo GF, Elliott G, Stein PD, et al. Low-molecular-weight heparin vs heparin in the treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism. American-Canadian Thrombosis Study Group. Arch. Intern. Med. 2000; 160: 229–236.
Joe H, Ma C. Multivariate survival functions with a min-stable property. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2000; 75: 13-35. DOI: 10.1006/jmva.1999.1891
Joe H. Inequalities for random utility models, with applications to ranking and subset choice data. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. Springer; 2000; 2: 359–372. DOI: 10.1023/A:1010058117460
Kibria BMGolam, Sun L, Zidek JV, Le ND. A Bayesian Approach to Backcasting and Spatially Predicting Unmeasured Multivariate Random Space-Time Fields With Application to PM 2, 5. Vancover, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 2000.
Paszner B, Petkau J, Oger J. Impact of antibodies to interferon-β during treatment of multiple sclerosis. In Drug Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. Auckland: Adis International; 2000. pp. 89–108.
Sun L, Zidek JV, Le ND, Ozkaynak H. Interpolating Vancouver's daily ambient PM10 field. Environmetrics. Wiley Online Library; 2000; 11: 651–663.
Vazquez JC, Tsai WH, Flemons WW, Masuda A, Brant R, Hajduk E, et al. Automated analysis of digital oximetry in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea. Thorax. 2000; 55: 302–307.
Wood SL, Sauve R, Ross S, Brant R, Love EJ. Prediabetes and perinatal mortality. Diabetes Care. 2000; 23: 1752–1754.
