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Publications by Department Members


Ghali WA, Quan H, Brant R. Coronary artery bypass grafting in Canada: hospital mortality rates, 1992-1995. CMAJ. 1998; 159: 926–930.
Gorsche R, Wiley JP, Renger R, Brant R, Gemer TY, Sasyniuk TM. Prevalence and incidence of stenosing flexor tenosynovitis (trigger finger) in a meat-packing plant. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 1998; 40: 556–560.
Gustafson P. Flexible Bayesian modelling for survival data. Lifetime Data Analysis. Springer; 1998; 4: 281–299.
Gustafson P. A guided walk Metropolis algorithm. Statistics and computing. Springer; 1998; 8: 357–364.
Hao D, Seidel J, Brant R, Alexander F, Ernst DS, Summers N, et al. Compliance of clinical stage I nonseminomatous germ cell tumor patients with surveillance. J. Urol. 1998; 160: 768–771.
Harasym PH, Leong EJ, Violato C, Brant R, Lorscheider FL. Cuing effect of "all of the above" on the reliability and validity of multiple-choice test items. Eval Health Prof. 1998; 21: 120–133.
Jarrell J, Gocmen A, Foster W, Brant R, Chan S, Sevcik M. Evaluation of reproductive outcomes in women inadvertently exposed to hexachlorobenzene in southeastern Turkey in the 1950s. Reprod. Toxicol. 1998; 12: 469–476.
Jones DR, Schonlau M, Welch WJ. Efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions. Journal of Global optimization [Internet]. 1998; 13: 455–492. URL:
Kastrukoff LF, Morgan NG, Zecchini D, White R, Petkau AJ, Satoh J, et al. A role for natural killer cells in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology. Elsevier; 1998; 86: 123–133.
Le N, Sun L, Zidek JV. A note on the existence of maximum likelihood estimates for Gaussian-inverted Wishart models. Statistics and probability letters. Elsevier; 1998; 40: 133–137.
Petkau AJ. Statistical methods for evaluating multiple sclerosis therapies. Seminars in Neurology. 1998; 18: 351–375.
Regenwetter M, Marley AAJ, Joe H. Random utility threshold models of subset choice. Australian Journal of Psychology. 1998; 50: 175-185. DOI: 10.1080/00049539808258794
Sandham JD, Hull RD, Brant RF. The pulmonary artery catheter takes a great fall. Crit. Care Med. 1998; 26: 1288–1289.
Schonlau M, Welch WJ, Jones DR. Global versus local search in constrained optimization of computer models. Lecture Notes-Monograph Series [Internet]. 1998;: 11–25. URL:
Sun W, Le ND, Zidek JV, Burnett R. Assessment of a Bayesian multivariate interpolation approach for health impact studies. Environmetrics. Wiley Online Library; 1998; 9: 565–586.
Susko E, Kalbfleisch JD, Chen J. Constrained nonparametric maximum-likelihood estimation for mixture models. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1998; 26: 601–617.
Vedal S, Petkau J, White R, Blair J. Acute effects of ambient inhalable particles in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Am Thoracic Soc; 1998; 157: 1034–1043.
Vedal S, Petkau J, White R, Blair J. Acute effects of ambient inhalable particles in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Am Thoracic Soc; 1998; 157: 1034–1043.
Zidek JV, White R, Le ND. Using spatial data in assessing the association between air pollution episodes and respiratory morbidity. Statistics for the Environment. 1998; 4: 117–136.
Zidek JV, White R, Sun W, Burnett RT, Le ND. Imputing unmeasured explanatory variables in environmental epidemiology with application to health impact analysis of air pollution. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Springer; 1998; 5: 99–105.
Zidek JV, White R, Sun W, Burnett RT, Le ND. Imputing unmeasured explanatory variables in environmental epidemiology with application to health impact analysis of air pollution. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Springer; 1998; 5: 99–105.
Zidek JV, Le ND, Wong H, Burnett RT. Including structural measurement errors in the nonlinear regression analysis of clustered data. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1998; 26: 537–548.


Allan BB, Brant R, Seidel JE, Jarrell JF. Declining sex ratios in Canada. CMAJ. 1997; 156: 37–41.
Block H, Joe H. Tail behavior of the failure rate functions of mixtures. Lifetime Data Analysis. Springer; 1997; 3: 269–288. DOI: 10.1023/A:1009653032333
Chen J, Cheng P. On testing the number of components in finite mixture models with known relevant component distributions. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley-Blackwell; 1997; 25: 389–400.
D'yachkova Y, Petkau J, Whtie R. Longitudinal analyses for magnetic resonance imaging outcomes in multiple sclerosis clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Taylor & Francis; 1997; 7: 501–531.
Gibb AP, Hill B, Chorel B, Brant R. Reduction in blood culture contamination rate by feedback to phlebotomists. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 1997; 121: 503–507.
Gough WA, Welch WJ. Efficient experimental design strategy for numerical ocean modelling. In Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin. 1997. pp. 95–102.
Gustafson P. Large hierarchical Bayesian analysis of multivariate survival data. Biometrics [Internet]. JSTOR; 1997;: 230–242. DOI: 10.2307/2533110 URL:
Heckman N, Rice J. Line transects of two-dimensional random fields: Estimation and design. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1997; 25: 481–501.
Hull RD, Raskob GE, Brant RF, Pineo GF, Valentine KA. The importance of initial heparin treatment on long-term clinical outcomes of antithrombotic therapy. The emerging theme of delayed recurrence. Arch. Intern. Med. 1997; 157: 2317–2321.
Isono S, Feroah TR, Hajduk EA, Brant R, Whitelaw WA, Remmers JE. Interaction of cross-sectional area, driving pressure, and airflow of passive velopharynx. J. Appl. Physiol. 1997; 83: 851–859.
Justel A, Pena D, Zamar R. A multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit. Statistics & Probability Letters. Elsevier; 1997; 35: 251–259.
Le ND, Sun W, Zidek JV. Bayesian multivariate spatial interpolation with data missing by design. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology). Wiley Online Library; 1997; 59: 501–510.
Liu J, Wu S, Zidek JV. On segmented multivariate regression. Statistica Sinica. 1997;: 497–525.
Moir CL, Mandin H, Brant R. Sorbitol 2.5% mannitol 0.54% irrigation solution for hysteroscopic endometrial ablation surgery. Can J Anaesth. 1997; 44: 473–478.
Pena D, Zamar R. A simple diagnostic tool for local prior sensitivity. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 1997; 36: 205–212.
Petkau J, White R. Neutralizing antibodies and the efficacy of interferon beta-1b in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. SAGE Publications; 1997; 3: 402–402.
Rudick R, Antel J, Confavreux C, Cutter G, Ellison G, Fischer J, et al. Recommendations from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society clinical outcomes assessment task force. Annals of Neurology. Wiley Online Library; 1997; 42: 379–382.
Sitter RR, Chen J, Feder M. Fractional Resolution and Minimum Aberration in Blocked 2 n—k Designs. Technometrics. Taylor & Francis Group; 1997; 39: 382–390.
Yohai VJ, Zamar RH. Optimal locally robust M-estimates of regression. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Elsevier; 1997; 64: 309–323.
Zidek JV. Discussion of ``Predicting multivariate responses in multiple linear regression'' (Authors. Breiman, L. and Friedman, J.). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 1997; 59: 42–43.
Zidek JV. Interpolating air pollution for health impact assessment. Barnett V, Feridun Turkman K, editors. Statistics for the environment. 1997; 3: 251–68.


Adair-Bischoff CE, Sauve RS, Kimberley B, Brant R. Smoking and middle ear disease. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1996; 114: 837–840.
Campbell NR, Hull RD, Brant R, Hogan DB, Pineo GF, Raskob GE. Aging and heparin-related bleeding. Arch. Intern. Med. 1996; 156: 857–860.
Chen J, Kalbfleisch JD. Penalized minimum-distance estimates in finite mixture models. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1996; 24: 167–175.
Chen J. On the conditional and mixture model approaches for matched pairs. Journal of statistical planning and inference. North-Holland; 1996; 55: 319–329.
