Publications by Department Members
Sexual selection when the female directly benefits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Wiley Online Library; 1993; 48: 187–211. .
Sexual selection when the female directly benefits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [Internet]. 1993; 48: 187–211. URL: .
Diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome. Can Fam Physician. 1993; 39: 2139–2145. .
Relationship of the recovery in the glomerular filtration rate to the duration of anuria in diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome. Am. J. Nephrol. 1993; 13: 194–197. .
Using prior information in designing intervention detection experiments. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1993; 21: 447–463. .
Discussion of the paper «The foundation of experimental design and observation» by HP Wynn. Statistical Methods & Applications [Internet]. 1993; 2: 181–181. URL: .
A minimax-bias property of the least $$\backslash$ alpha $-quantile estimates. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1993; 21: 1824–1842. .
Integrated circuit design optimization using a sequential strategy. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on [Internet]. 1992; 11: 361–372. URL: .
Multivariate spatial interpolation with Kronecker covariance structures. Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; 1992. .
Quality data network designs based on entropy. In: . Statistics in the environmental and earth sciences. London: Elsevier Science; 1992. pp. 10-38. .
Geometric quality assurance. Institute for Improvement in Quality and Productivity Research Report RR-92-06, University of Waterloo, Ontario. 1992;. .
Some results on 2n-k fractional factorial designs and search for minimum aberration designs. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1992;: 2124–2141. .
Further developments on some dependence orderings for continuous bivariate distributions. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 1992; 44: 501-517. DOI: 10.1007/BF00050701 .
Lower mortality in cancer patients treated with low-molecular-weight versus standard heparin. Lancet. 1992; 339: 1476. .
A note on generalized cross-validation with replicates. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 1992; 14: 283–287. .
Using entropy in the redesign of an environmental monitoring network. Vancouver: Department of Statistics. University of British Columbia; 1992. .
Bump hunting in regression analysis. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 1992; 14: 141–152. .
Optimal therapeutic level of heparin therapy in patients with venous thrombosis. Arch. Intern. Med. 1992; 152: 1589–1595. .
On the Babington Smith class of models for rankings. In: . Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1992. pp. 37-52. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2738-0_3 .
Bivariate threshold methods for extremes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B –- Methodological [Internet]. 1992; 54: 171-183. URL: .
Generalized majorization orderings and applications. In: . Stochastic Inequalities. Hayward, CA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1992. pp. 145–158. DOI: 10.1214/lnms/1215461949 .
Multivariate majorization by positive combinations. In: . Stochastic Inequalities. Hayward, CA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1992. pp. 159–181. DOI: 10.1214/lnms/1215461950 .
A global test for effects in 2k factorial design without replicates. Journal of statistical computation and simulation. Taylor & Francis; 1992; 41: 41–54. .
Interpolation with uncertain spatial covariances: a Bayesian alternative to kriging. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Elsevier; 1992; 43: 351–374. .
Comparison of plain with pH-adjusted bupivacaine with hyaluronidase for peribulbar block. Can J Anaesth. 1992; 39: 555–558. .
Taguchi's parameter design: a panel discussion. Technometrics [Internet]. 1992; 34: 127–161. URL: .
Screening, predicting, and computer experiments. Technometrics [Internet]. 1992; 34: 15–25. URL: .
An entropy-based analysis of data from selected NADP/NTN network sites for 1983–1986. Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics. Elsevier; 1992; 26: 2089–2103. .
Bias robust estimation in orthogonal regression. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1992; 20: 1875–1888. .
Bayesian predictive inference for samples from smooth processes. Bayesian Statistics. 1992; 4: 547–566. .
Some results on generalized regression quantiles. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1991; 20: 911–928. .
On the identity relationships of 2- p designs. Journal of statistical planning and inference. North-Holland; 1991; 28: 95–98. .
Some results on sn-k fractional factorial designs with minimum aberration or optimal moments. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1991;: 1028–1041. .
Minimax Bayes Estimation, Penalized Likelihood Methods, and Restricted Minimax Estimation. In Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related Topics. Springer; 1991. pp. 339–346. .
Minimax Bayes estimation in nonparametric regression. The Annals of Statistics. JSTOR; 1991;: 2003–2014. .
Rating systems based on paired comparison models. Statistics & Probability Letters. 1991; 11: 343-347. DOI: 10.1016/0167-7152(91)90046-T .
Min–max asymptotic variance of M-estimates of location when scale is unknown. Statistics & Probability Letters. Elsevier; 1991; 11: 139–145. .
Proteinuria and prognosis in hemolytic-uremic syndrome. J. Pediatr. 1991; 119: 841–842. .
The relationship of the admission hemoglobin to prognosis in children with D+ hemolytic uremic syndrome. Clin. Nephrol. 1991; 36: 212–213. .
Generalized Nash products for bargaining games with incomplete information. Indian Economic Journal. University of Bombay, School of Economics and Sociology.; 1991; 38: 98. .
A system for quality improvement via computer experiments. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods [Internet]. 1991; 20: 477–495. URL: .
A procedure for robust estimation and inference in linear regression. In Directions in robust statistics and diagnostics. Springer; 1991. pp. 365–374. .
Parametric yield optimization of CMOS analogue circuits by quadratic statistical circuit performance models. International journal of circuit theory and applications [Internet]. 1991; 19: 579–592. URL: .
Assessing proportionality in the proportional odds model for ordinal logistic regression. Biometrics. 1990; 46: 1171–1178. .
Sample sizes for needles in a haystack: the case of HIV seroprevalence surveys. Can J Public Health. 1990; 81: 50–52. .
Conditionalization and likelihood dominance in group belief formation. Statistics and Risk Modeling. 1990; 8: 183-198. .
Multivariate concordance. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 1990; 35: 12-30. DOI: 10.1016/0047-259X(90)90013-8 .
A winning strategy for lotto games. Canadian Journal of Statistics –- Revue Canadienne de Statistique. 1990; 18: 233-244. DOI: 10.2307/3315454 .
Majorization and divergence. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 1990; 148: 287-305. DOI: 10.1016/0022-247X(90)90002-W .
Families of min-stable multivariate exponential and multivariate extreme value distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters. 1990; 9: 75-81. DOI: 10.1016/0167-7152(90)90098-R .