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Publications by Department Members


Cheng L, Wu L, Lum C, Zidek JV, Yu T. Wood Property Relationships and Survival Models in Reliability. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 2016; 32: 792-803.
Cook LS, Leung A, Swenerton K, Gallagher RP, Magliocco A, Steed H, et al. Adult lifetime alcohol consumption and invasive epithelial ovarian cancer risk in a population-based case-control study. Gynecologic Oncology. 2016; 140(2): 277-284.
Cook LS, Pestak C, Leung A, Le N. Combined oral contraceptive use before the first birth and epithelial ovarian cancer risk. British Journal of Cancer . 2016;.
Falasinnu T, Gilbert M, Gustafson P, Shoveller J. A validation study of a clinical prediction rule for screening asymptomatic chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections among heterosexuals in British Columbia. Sexually transmitted infections. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd; 2016; 92: 12–18. DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-2014-051992
Falasinnu T, Gilbert M, Gustafson P, Shoveller J. An assessment of population-based screening guidelines versus clinical prediction rules for chlamydia and gonorrhea case finding. Preventive medicine. Academic Press; 2016; 89: 51–56. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.04.001
Gattiker JR, Hamada MS, Higdon DM, Schonlau M, Welch WJ. Using a Gaussian Process as a Nonparametric Regression Model. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2016; 32: 673–680.
Goring SM, Gustafson P, Liu Y, Saab S, Cline SK, Platt RW. Disconnected by design: analytic approach in treatment networks having no common comparator. Research synthesis methods. Wiley Online Library; 2016;. DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.1204
Homrighausen D, McDonald DJ. On the Nyström and Column-Sampling Methods for the Approximate Principal Components Analysis of Large Data Sets. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics [Internet]. 2016; 25: 344–362. URL:
Huggins J, Campbell T, Broderick T. Coresets for scalable Bayesian logistic regression. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016.
Jensen VL, Carter S, Sanders AAWM, Li C, Kennedy J, Timbers TA, et al. Whole-organism developmental expression profiling identifies RAB-28 as a novel ciliary GTPase associated with the BBSome and intraflagellar transport. PLoS genetics. 2016; 12: e1006469.
Jung WHee, Sham A, White R, Kronstad JW. Correction: Iron Regulation of the Major Virulence Factors in the AIDS-Associated Pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. PLoS Biol. Public Library of Science; 2016; 14: e1002410.
Karim ME, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Tremlett H, Group BAMSStudy. Comparison of statistical approaches for dealing with immortal time bias in drug effectiveness studies. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016; 184: 325-335. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwv445
Karim ME, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Tremlett T. Comparison of statistical approaches for dealing with immortal time bias in drug effectiveness studies. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016; 184: 857-858.
Karim MEhsanul, Gustafson P, Petkau J, Tremlett H. Comparison of Statistical Approaches for Dealing With Immortal Time Bias in Drug Effectiveness Studies. American Journal of Epidemiology. Oxford University Press; 2016;: kwv445. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwv445
Kepplinger D, Salibian-Barrera M, Freue GVCohen. Initial estimators for regularized robust methods in high-dimensional settings. In 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics. 2016.
Khalili A, Chen J, Stephens DA. Regularization in Regime-Switching Gaussian Autoregressive Models. In Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science. Springer Singapore; 2016. pp. 13–34.
Kondo Y, Salibian-Barrera M, Zamar R. RSKC: An R Package for a Robust and Sparse K-Means Clustering Algorithm. Journal of Statistical Software [Internet]. 2016; 72: 1–26. DOI: 10.18637/jss.v072.i05 URL:
Lau K, Salibian-Barrera M, Lampe L. Modulation recognition in the 868 MHz band using classification trees and random forests. {AEU} - International Journal of Electronics and Communications [Internet]. 2016; 70: 1321 - 1328. DOI: 10.1016/j.aeue.2016.07.001 URL: Software:
Leung A, Cook LS, Swenerton K, Le ND, Gilks BC, Gallagher RP, et al. Tea, coffee, and caffeinated beverage consumption and risk of epithelial ovarian cancers. Cancer Epidemiology [Internet]. 2016; 45. URL:
Leung A, Zhang H, Zamar R. Robust regression estimation and inference in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Elsevier; 2016;.
Liu Y, Zidek JV, Trites A, Battaile B. Bayesian Data Fusion Approaches to Predicting Spatial Tracks: Application to Marine Mammals. Annals of Applied Statistics. 2016;: Accepted.
Mostafavi S, Yoshida H, Moodley D, LeBoité H, Rothamel K, Raj T, et al.. Parsing the Interferon Transcriptional Network and Its Disease Associations. Cell. Elsevier; 2016; 164: 564–578.
Ng CT, Joe H. Comparison of non-nested models under a general measure of distance. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Elsevier Science BV; 2016; 170: 166-185. DOI: 10.1016/j.jspi.2015.10.004
Nguyen A-L, Lam J, White R, Carruthers R, Traboulsee A. Prospective study of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness in Alemtuzumab Treated Multiple Sclerosis Patients (P3. 083). Neurology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2016; 86: P3–083.
Rennison DJ, Owens GL, Heckman N, Schluter D, Veen T. Rapid adaptive evolution of colour vision in the threespine stickleback radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences [Internet]. 2016; 283. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0242 URL:
Roth A, McPherson A, Laks E, Biele J, Yap D, Wan A, et al. Clonal genotype and population structure inference from single-cell tumor sequencing. Nature Methods. 2016; 13: 575–576.
Salibian-Barrera M, Van Aelst S, Yohai VJ. Robust tests for linear regression models based on tau-estimates. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 2016; 93: 436-455. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2014.09.012 Software:
Shaddick G, Zidek JV, Liu Y. Mitigating the effects of preferentially selected monitoring sites for environmental policy and health risk analysis. Spatial and Spatio-temporal epidemiology. 2016; 18: 44-52.
Shahriari B, Bouchard-Côté A, de Freitas N. Unbounded Bayesian optimization via regularization. In AISTATS. 2016. pp. 1168–1176.
Shirani A, Zhao Y, Karim ME, Kingwell E, Petkau J, Gustafson P, et al. Observational studies of disease modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis: Methodological challenges and opportunities. British Medical Journal. 2016; 354: i3518.
Talhouk A, Kommoss S, Mackenzie R, Cheung M, Leung S, Chiu DS, et al. Single-Patient Molecular Testing with NanoString nCounter Data Using a Reference-Based Strategy for Batch Effect Correction. PLoS ONE [Internet]. Public Library of Science; 2016; 11: 1-18. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153844 URL:
Tam EW, Chau V, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM, Miller SP, Rogers EE, et al. Early postnatal docosahexaenoic acid levels and improved preterm brain development. Pediatr. Res. 2016;.
Timbers TA, Garland SJ, Mohan S, Flibotte S, Edgley M, Muncaster Q, et al. Accelerating gene discovery by phenotyping whole-genome sequenced multi-mutation strains and using the sequence kernel association test (SKAT). PLoS genetics. 2016; 12: e1006235.
Tomal JH, Welch WJ, Zamar RH. Exploiting Multiple Descriptor Sets in QSAR Studies. Journal of chemical information and modeling [Internet]. 2016; 56: 501–509. URL:
Xia M, Gustafson P. Bayesian regression models adjusting for unidirectional covariate misclassification. Canadian Journal of Statistics. 2016; 44: 198–218. DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11284
Yu X, Chen J, Brant R. Sequential design for binary dose–response experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2016; 177: 64–73.
Yu X, Chen J, Brant R. Sequential design for binary dose–response experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. North-Holland; 2016; 177: 64–73.
Zhai Y, Bouchard-Côté A. Inferring history of human populations using single-nucleotide polymorphism. Annals of Applied Statistics. 2016; 10: 2047–2074.
Zhai Y, Bouchard-Côté A. Inferring history of human populations using single-nucleotide polymorphism. Annals of Applied Stat. 2016; 10: 2047–2074.
Zhang T, Kingwell E, De Jong HJI, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Carruthers R, et al. Association between the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and multiple sclerosis disability progression. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2016;. DOI: 10.1002/pds.4031
Zhang T, Kingwell E, DeJong HJI, Zhu F, Zhao Y, Carruthers R, et al. Association between the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and multiple sclerosis disability progression. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2016; 25: 1150-1159. DOI: 10.1002/pds.4031
