Vitamin D As Predictor Of Multiple Sclerosis Activity And Progression In Patients With CIS Treated Early With Interferon beta-1b (P5. 016)

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Vitamin D As Predictor Of Multiple Sclerosis Activity And Progression In Patients With CIS Treated Early With Interferon beta-1b (P5. 016)

TitleVitamin D As Predictor Of Multiple Sclerosis Activity And Progression In Patients With CIS Treated Early With Interferon beta-1b (P5. 016)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAscherio, A, Munger, K, White, R, Köchert, K, Simon, KClaire, Freedman, M, Hartung, H, Miller, D, Montalbán, X, Edan, G, others,