PhD/MSc Alumni
Thesis Title: A flexible inference method for an autoregression stochastic volatility model with an application to risk management
Supervisor: Natalia Nolde
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Linear model selection based on extended robust least angle regression
Supervisor: Ruben H Zamar
First Position: PhD student - Dept. of Statistics UBC
Program: MSc
Supervisor: Paul Gustafson
Thesis Title: Cox-LASSO Regularized Supervised Principal Components in Regression for DLBCL Cancer
Supervisor: Gabriela V. Cohen Freue
First Position: Statistical Analyst: Department of Breast and Molecular Oncology, BC Cancer Agency
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Identification of Worsening Subjects and Treatment Responders in Comparative Longitudinal Studies
Supervisor: John Petkau, Yinshan Zhao
Program: PhD
Program: MSc