Export 1677 results:
Bayesian analysis of continuous time Markov chains with application to phylogenetic modelling. Bayesian Analysis, (In Press).
, 2015. Bayesian analysis of continuous time Markov chains with application to phylogenetic modelling. Bayesian Analysis, 11, pp.1203–1237.
, 2015. Bayesian Inference for Partially Identified Models: Exploring the Limits of Limited Data, Chapman and Hall / CRC Press.
, 2015. Bayesian nonparametric set construction for robust optimization. In American Control Conference. American Control Conference.
, 2015. Bayesian phylogenetic inference using the combinatorial sequential Monte Carlo method. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110, pp.1362–1374.
, 2015. Beta-interferon exposure and onset of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology, 22, pp.990–1000.
, 2015. Beta-interferon exposure and onset of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology, 22, pp.990–1000. Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ene.12698/abstract.
, 2015. Bias Correction and Uncertainty Characterization of Dead-Reckoned Paths of Marine Mammals. Animal Biotelmetry, 3.
, 2015. Bias correction and uncertainty characterization of Dead-Reckoned paths of marine mammals. Animal Biotelemetry, 3, p.1.
, 2015. Burkholderia species infections in patients with cystic fibrosis in British Columbia, Canada. 30 years' experience. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 12, pp.70–78.
, 2015. Calibrating the Difficulty of Assessment Tools: Blooming a Statistics Exam. Journal of Statistical Education, 23(3).
, 2015. Challenging the standard dike freeboard: Methods to quantify statistical uncertainties in river flood protection. Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, pp.1–10.
, 2015. Clinical and molecular predictors of mortality in neurofibromatosis 2: a UK national analysis of 1192 patients. Journal of Medical Genetics, 52, pp.699-705.
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Deep learning for regulatory genomics. Nat. Biotechnol., 33, pp.825–826.
, 2015. Development and validation of weight, height and age bands to guide the prescription of fixed-dose dispersible tablet formulations. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther, 20, pp.24–32.
, 2015. Discussion of ``On Bayesian Estimation of Marginal Structural Models''. Biometrics, 71, pp.291–293.
, 2015. Discussion of ``Optimal design in geostatistics under preferential sampling '' Ferreira and Gamerman. Bayesian Analysis, 10, pp.749–752.
, 2015. Does Increased Sexual Frequency Enhance Happiness?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 116, pp.206–218. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2015.04.021.
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Education about crying in normal infants is associated with a reduction in pediatric emergency room visits for crying complaints. J Dev Behav Pediatr, 36, pp.252–257.
, 2015. Ensembling classification models based on phalanxes of variables with applications in drug discovery. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 9, pp.69–93. Available at: http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aoas/1430226085.
, 2015. Estimating beta-mixing coefficients via histograms. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9, pp.2855–2883. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-EJS1094.
, 2015. Factor copula models for item response data. Psychometrika, 80, pp.126-150.
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