Export 1668 results:
Brewster, J.F. & Zidek, J.V., 197AD. Improving on equivariant estimators. Ann. Statist., pp.21–38.
Isberg, S. & Welch, W.J.,0 Adaptive Partitioning Design and Analysis for Emulation of a Complex Computer Code. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, p.31 pages, accepted.
Yang, C.-H., Zidek, J.V. & Wong, S.,0 Bayesian analysis of accumulated damage models in lumber reliability. Technometrics.
Wu, S. & Zidek, J.V.,0 An entropy based review of selected NADP-NTN network sites for. Atmospheric Environment, pp.2089–2103.
Watson, J., Zidek, J.V. & Shaddick, G.,0 A general theory for preferential sampling in environamental networks. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Watson, J., Zidek, J.V. & Shaddick, G.,0 A general theory for preferential sampling in environamental networks. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Watson, J., Zidek, J.V. & Shaddick, G.,0 A general theory for preferential sampling in environamental networks. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Zhu, G. & Chen, J.,0 Multi-parameter One-Sided Monitoring Test. Technometrics: arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04799.
Chen, J. & Liu, Y.,0 Small Area Quantile Estimation. International Statistics Review, 87. Available at: https://rdcu.be/7Ms3.
Zidek, J.V. & LUM, C.O.N.R.O.Y.,0 Statistics and Manufactured Forest Products: Assessing Their Engineering Properties in a Changing World. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Applications, 3, p.Submitted.
