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Teaching Assistants

Applications for the 2024 academic year is CLOSED! Applications for the 2025 academic year will open around early March 2025. Details below will be updated then

Deadline for applications is midnight Sunday March 24th

The Department of Statistics is hiring several TA and marker positions for 2024.

Positions may be available for:

DSCI 100 – Introduction to Data Science

DSCI 310 -  Reproducible and Trustworthy Workflows for Data Science

Stat 200 – Elementary Statistics for Applications

Stat 201 - Statistical Inference for Data Science

Stat 203 – Statistical Methods

Stat 251 – Elementary Statistics

Stat 300 – Intermediate Statistics for Applications

Stat 302 – Introduction to Probability

Stat 305 – Introduction to Statistical Inference

Stat 306 – Finding Relationships in Data

Stat 321 – Stochastic Signals and Systems

Stat 344 – Sample Surveys

Stat 404 – Design and Analysis of Experiments

Stat 406 – Methods for Statistical Learning

Stat 443 – Time Series Forecasting

Stat 450 – Case Studies in Statistics

Stat 460/560 – Statistical Inference I / Statistical Theory I

Stat 461/561 – Statistical Inference II / Statistical Theory II

Please note we will only be hire current TAs for the Summer period and our Graduate students get priority for those TAs ships.

Marking only (various courses)

New Undergraduate TAs may be hired on an hourly or salaried basis depending on what is needed for the course. TAs get paid on a bi-weekly basis.

Please see the UBC Course calendar for course schedule and topics covered:

TA duties may include (but are not limited to): Preparing for and holding labs, grading lab exercises, assisting with in-class activities during lectures, holding office hours, grading of homework, midterms, and finals, preparing solution keys/marking schemes, preparing homework questions, invigilation, answering student emails and responding to discussion boards, managing course website, and assisting with miscellaneous duties as needed. Markers will be responsible for marking assignments, quizzes, midterms, and final exams.

Required availability: Please note that TAs are expected to be available for the full duration of their appointment, including the exam period and for several days after for marking duties. TAs may be expected to work during evenings and weekends when necessary. TAs must be available to attend lectures and lab sessions, and fulfill other duties as required by the instructor. If you are not available for the duration of the course plus marking time, please do not apply. Once a TA ship has been agreed upon by both parties you have an obligation to fulfil your duties for that role. Any absenteeism not communicated with the dept may affect future roles within the dept. 

Training: All TAs must attend the Departmental TA training program at the end of August. This is a 1-day session where new TAs will receive training on various aspects of the job. The session will take place during the last week of August. Students who cannot attend the session can only be hired as markers.

Qualifications: Only current UBC students will be considered. If you only wish to apply to TA DSCI 100 then you must have passed that course previously with a minimum grade of 80%. (You don't need to have taken any other STAT courses to apply for a DSCI 100 TA ship). If you only wish to apply to TA DSCI 310 then you must have passed that course or CPSC 310 previously with a minimum grade of 80%. (You don't need to have taken any other STAT courses to apply for a DSCI 310 TA ship). For all other TA applications Stat 200 or 251 (or equivalent) or an intro Stat course, plus a course in Probability with a minimum grade of 80% is needed. Students must have passed any course they wish to TA with a minimum grade of 80%. Experience with/knowledge of R is required. Knowledge of topics to be covered in the course (see above). Previous TA experience is preferred. Ability to work independently and as part of a team, when required. Excellent communication skills, both spoken and written. Preference will be given to students who have have previously been employed as TAs in the Department of Statistics, and/or who are currently enrolled in Statistics major programs at UBC

International Students must be eligible to work in Canada. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact an International Student advisor at International House.

Salary: TAs wages are as negotiated by the CUPE 2278 collective agreement. For exact salaries, please consult the current collective agreement at

Application procedure:

The application form for 2024 is attached here: TA Application form 2024 You may also wish to send a CV to gradinfo [at] (optional). Please be aware that we are currently only looking for applicants who will be in Canada for the duration of the term they are working.

Please note that we are only able to contact successful applicants. 

If you are a successful applicant for the May-July summer term, you would be contacted by end of April

If you are a successful applicant for the Sep-Dec fall term 1, you would be contacted by early May.

If you are a successful applicant for the Jan-Apr term 2, you would be contacted by end of November or early December.

UBC hires on the basis of merit, and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply.