Export 1667 results:
Regenwetter, M., Marley, A.A.J. & Joe, H., 1998. Random utility threshold models of subset choice. Australian Journal of Psychology, 50, pp.175-185.
Kastrukoff, L.F. et al., 1998. A role for natural killer cells in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 86, pp.123–133.
Petkau, A.J., 1998. Statistical methods for evaluating multiple sclerosis therapies. Seminars in Neurology, 18, pp.351–375.
Bryan, J. & Sun, R., 1998. Temporal trends in survival after AIDS in California, 1985 - 1994. California HIV/AIDS Update, 11, pp.88 - 29.
Zidek, J.V., White, R. & Le, N.D., 1998. Using spatial data in assessing the association between air pollution episodes and respiratory morbidity. Statistics for the Environment, 4, pp.117–136.
Le, N.D., Sun, W. & Zidek, J.V., 1997. Bayesian multivariate spatial interpolation with data missing by design. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 59, pp.501–510.
Allan, B.B. et al., 1997. Declining sex ratios in Canada. CMAJ, 156, pp.37–41.
Zidek, J.V., 1997. Discussion of ``Predicting multivariate responses in multiple linear regression'' (Authors. Breiman, L. and Friedman, J.). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 59, pp.42–43.
Gough, W.A. & Welch, W.J., 1997. Efficient experimental design strategy for numerical ocean modelling. In Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Bulletin. pp. 95–102.
Sitter, R.R., Chen, J. & Feder, M., 1997. Fractional Resolution and Minimum Aberration in Blocked 2 n—k Designs. Technometrics, 39, pp.382–390.
Isono, S. et al., 1997. Interaction of cross-sectional area, driving pressure, and airflow of passive velopharynx. J. Appl. Physiol., 83, pp.851–859.
Zidek, J.V., 1997. Interpolating air pollution for health impact assessment. Barnett V, Feridun Turkman K, editors. Statistics for the environment, 3, pp.251–68.
Gustafson, P., 1997. Large hierarchical Bayesian analysis of multivariate survival data. Biometrics, pp.230–242. Available at: www.jstor.org/stable/2533110.
Heckman, N. & Rice, J., 1997. Line transects of two-dimensional random fields: Estimation and design. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 25, pp.481–501.
D'yachkova, Y., Petkau, J. & Whtie, R., 1997. Longitudinal analyses for magnetic resonance imaging outcomes in multiple sclerosis clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 7, pp.501–531.
Justel, A., Pena, D. & Zamar, R., 1997. A multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit. Statistics & Probability Letters, 35, pp.251–259.
Yohai, V.J. & Zamar, R.H., 1997. Optimal locally robust M-estimates of regression. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 64, pp.309–323.
Gibb, A.P. et al., 1997. Reduction in blood culture contamination rate by feedback to phlebotomists. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med., 121, pp.503–507.
Liu, J., Wu, S. & Zidek, J.V., 1997. On segmented multivariate regression. Statistica Sinica, pp.497–525.
Pena, D. & Zamar, R., 1997. A simple diagnostic tool for local prior sensitivity. Statistics & probability letters, 36, pp.205–212.
