Export 1677 results:
Chen, J. & Sitter, R.Rudolf, 1993. Edgeworth expansion and the bootstrap for stratified sampling without replacement from a finite population. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 21, pp.347–357.
R Martin, D. & Zamar, R.H., 1993. Efficiency-constrained bias-robust estimation of location. The Annals of Statistics, pp.338–354.
Delampady, M., Yee, I.M.L. & Zidek, J.V., 1993. Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of a discrete time series of Poisson counts. Statistics and Computing, 3, pp.7–15.
Chen, J. & Shao, J., 1993. Iterative weighted least squares estimators. The Annals of Statistics, pp.1071–1092.
Paty, D.W. et al., 1993. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as an outcome measure in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurological Rehabilitation, 7, pp.117–129.
Yohai, V.J., Zamar, R.H. & others, , 1993. A minimax-bias property of the least $$\backslash$ alpha $-quantile estimates. The Annals of Statistics, 21, pp.1824–1842.
Joe, H., 1993. Multivariate dependence measures and data-analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 16, pp.279-297.
Joe, H., 1993. Parametric families of multivariate distributions with given margins. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 46, pp.262-282.
Hu, F. & Zidek, J.V., 1993. A relevance weighted quantile estimator.
Clarkson, D.B., Fan, Y.-A. & Joe, H., 1993. A remark on algorithm-643 - FEXACT - An algorithm for performing fishers exact test in r x c contingency-tables. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 19, pp.484-488.
Price, T., Schluter, D. & Heckman, N.E., 1993. Sexual selection when the female directly benefits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 48, pp.187–211.
Price, T., Schluter, D. & Heckman, N.E., 1993. Sexual selection when the female directly benefits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 48, pp.187–211. Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1095-8312.1993.tb00887.x/full.
Joe, H., 1993. Tests of uniformity for sets of lotto numbers. Statistics & Probability Letters, 16, pp.181-188.
Guttorp, P. et al., 1993. Using Entropy in the Redesign of an Environmental Monitoring Network G. P. Patil & Rao, C. R. , eds.
Schumacher, P., Zidek, J.V. & others, , 1993. Using prior information in designing intervention detection experiments. The Annals of Statistics, 21, pp.447–463.
Joe, H. & Verducci, J.S., 1992. On the Babington Smith class of models for rankings. In M. A. Fligner & Verducci, J. S. , eds. Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data. Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 37-52.
Zidek, J.V. & Weerahandi, S., 1992. Bayesian predictive inference for samples from smooth processes. Bayesian Statistics, 4, pp.547–566.
Zamar, R.H. & others, , 1992. Bias robust estimation in orthogonal regression. The Annals of Statistics, 20, pp.1875–1888.
Joe, H., Smith, R.L. & Weissman, I., 1992. Bivariate threshold methods for extremes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B –- Methodological, 54, pp.171-183. Available at: http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/stable/2345953.
Heckman, N.E., 1992. Bump hunting in regression analysis. Statistics & probability letters, 14, pp.141–152.
Wu, S. & Zidek, J.V., 1992. An entropy-based analysis of data from selected NADP/NTN network sites for 1983–1986. Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics, 26, pp.2089–2103.
Fang, Z. & Joe, H., 1992. Further developments on some dependence orderings for continuous bivariate distributions. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 44, pp.501-517.
