Canadian contributions to environmetrics

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Canadian contributions to environmetrics

TitleCanadian contributions to environmetrics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsDean, CB, El-Shaarawi, AH, Esterby, SR, Flemming, JMills, Routledge, RD, Taylor, SW, Woolford, DG, Zidek, JV, Zwiers, FW
JournalCanadian Journal of Statistics
Date Published11/2022
Type of ArticleReview
KeywordsCanadian contributions, climate, environmetrics, fire science, fisheries, monitoring networks

Abstract This article focuses on the importance of collaboration in statistics by Canadian researchers and highlights the contributions that Canadian statisticians have made to many research areas in environmetrics. We provide a discussion about different vehicles that have been developed for collaboration by Canadians in the environmetrics context as well as specific scientific areas that are focused on environmetrics research in Canada including climate science, forestry, and fisheries, which are areas of importance for natural resources in Canada.
