Title | The Canadian Perinatal Network: a national network focused on threatened preterm birth at 22 to 28 weeks' gestation |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Magee, LA, von Dadelszen, P, Allen, VM, Ansermino, JM, Audibert, F, Barrett, J, Brant, R, Bujold, E, Crane, JM, Demianczuk, N, Joseph, KS, Lee, SK, Piedboeuf, B, Smith, G, Synnes, A, Walker, M, Whittle, W, Wood, S, Lee, T, Li, J, Payne, B, Liston, RM, Burym, C, Carson, G, Dansereau, J, Gratton, R, McDonald, S, Olatunbosun, F, Pasquier, JP |
Journal | J Obstet Gynaecol Can |
Volume | 33 |
Pagination | 111–120 |
Date Published | Feb |