Isabella Ghement

Nancy E. Heckman

Inference in Partially Linear Models with Correlated Errors

Statistical Consultant and Trainer, Ghement Statistical Consulting Company

Wei Liu

Lang Wu

The Theory and Methods for Measurement Errors and Missing Data Problems in Semiparametric Nonlinear Mixed-effects Models

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto

Md Javar Ahmed Khan

Ruben H Zamar

Robust Model Selection for High-dimensional datasets

Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Wei Wang

Nancy E. Heckman

Linear Mixed Models in Functional Regression

Research Associate, Department of Statistics, UBC

Zhong Liu

James V. Zidek FRSC, O.C.

Combining Deterministic and Statistical Methods in Modeling Environmental Processes

Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Statistics, UBC

Md. Shahadut Hossain

Paul Gustafson

Dealing with Measurement Error in Covariates with Special Reference to Logistic Regression Model: A Flexible Parametric Approach

Post-doctoral Fellow at BC Cancer Agency

Juxin Liu

Paul Gustafson

Average Effects for Regression Models with Misspecifications and Diffuse Interaction Models

Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta

Lawrence McCandless

Paul Gustafson

Bayesian Propensity Score Analysis for Observational Data

Research Associate in Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College, London UK

Jean-Francois Plante

James V. Zidek FRSC, O.C.

Adaptive Likelihood Weights and Mixtures of Empirical Distributions

Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto

Justin Harrington

Matías Salibián-Barrera

Extending Linear Grouping analysis and robust estimators for very large data sets

Senior Manager, Hedge Funds, Market Risk Management at Scotia Capital
