Publications by Ruben H Zamar
The maxbias curve of robust regression estimates. The Annals of Statistics. 2001; 29: 224–251. .
Optimal robust M-estimates of location. Annals of statistics. JSTOR; 2001;: 194–223. .
Comparing the shapes of regression functions. Biometrika. Biometrika Trust; 2000; 87: 135–144. .
A class of locally and globally robust regression estimates. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor & Francis; 1999; 94: 174–188. .
Global robustness of location and dispersion estimates. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 1999; 44: 63–72. .
On the explosion rate of maximum-bias functions. The Canadian Journal of Statistics/La Revue Canadienne de Statistique. JSTOR; 1998;: 333–351. .
A multivariate Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit. Statistics & Probability Letters. Elsevier; 1997; 35: 251–259. .
A simple diagnostic tool for local prior sensitivity. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 1997; 36: 205–212. .
Optimal locally robust M-estimates of regression. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Elsevier; 1997; 64: 309–323. .
On Bayesian robustness: an asymptotic approach. Springer; 1996. .
M-estimates of regression when the scale is unknown and the error distribution is possibly asymmetric: A minimax result. The Canadian Journal of Statistics/La Revue Canadienne de Statistique. JSTOR; 1996;: 193–206. .
Estimación robusta. Estadística española. Instituto Nacional de Estadística; 1994; 36: 327–387. .
Binary-image restoration. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1994; 22: 335–355. .
Bias-robust regression estimation: A partial survey. New Directions in Statistical Data Analysis and Robustness, eds. S. Morgenthaler, E. Ronchetti and WA Stahel, Birkh auser, Basel. 1993;: 157–176. .
A minimax-bias property of the least $$\backslash$ alpha $-quantile estimates. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1993; 21: 1824–1842. .
Bias robust estimation of scale. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1993; 21: 991–1017. .
Efficiency-constrained bias-robust estimation of location. The Annals of Statistics. JSTOR; 1993;: 338–354. .
Bias robust estimation in orthogonal regression. The Annals of Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1992; 20: 1875–1888. .
A global test for effects in 2k factorial design without replicates. Journal of statistical computation and simulation. Taylor & Francis; 1992; 41: 41–54. .
Min–max asymptotic variance of M-estimates of location when scale is unknown. Statistics & Probability Letters. Elsevier; 1991; 11: 139–145. .
A procedure for robust estimation and inference in linear regression. In Directions in robust statistics and diagnostics. Springer; 1991. pp. 365–374. .
Bounded Influence Estimation in the Errors-in-Variables Model. In Statistical Analysis of Measurement Error Models and Applications: Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference Held June 10-16, 1989, with Support from the National Science Foundation and the US Army Research Office. American Mathematical Soc.; 1990. p. 243. .
Robustness against unexpected dependence in the location model. Statistics & probability letters. Elsevier; 1990; 9: 367–374. .
Min-max bias robust regression. The Annals of Statistics. JSTOR; 1989;: 1608–1630. .
Asymptotically min—maX bias robust M-estimates of scale for positive random variables. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor & Francis; 1989; 84: 494–501. .
Robust estimation in the errors-in-variables model. Biometrika. Biometrika Trust; 1989; 76: 149–160. .
High breakdown-point estimates of regression by means of the minimization of an efficient scale. Journal of the American statistical association. Taylor & Francis; 1988; 83: 406–413. .