A Comparison Between Several One-Step M-Estimators of Location and Dispersion in the Presence of a Nuisance Parameter
Cryptyologic Group, Communications Security Establishment, Ottawa
Markov Generalized Linear Model and Modeling of Epileptic Seizure Data
Statistical and Programming Analyst, Glassco Park Inc. Surrey, B.C.
Proficiency Testing in Clinical Chemistry
Senior Consultant, Arthur Andersen LLP, Vancouver, BC
Modeling Zero Inflated Count Data
Statistician, Canadian Pacific Railway, Calgary, Alberta
The Not-So-Smoother: A Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing Method
Research Biometrician, Dept. of Fisheries, Nanaimo, B.C.
Effect of Misspecified Response Correlation in Regression Analysis
Lecturer, Coquitlam College
Statistical Modelling and Inference for Multivariate and Longitudinal Discrete Response Data
Statistical Consultant, Market Knowledge, Inc., Chicago
Some Statistical Models for the Multivariate Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Assistant Professor, York University
Local Linear Regression versus Backcalculation in Forecasting
Post-Doctoral Fellow, CRM (Centre de Recherches Mathematiques), ISM (Institute des Sciences Mathematiques), and UQAM (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
UBC Department of Statistics