Formal and Informal Approaches to Adjusting for Exposure Mismeasurement
Biostatistical Analyst, QLT Inc.
Evaluating the performamce of Hypothesis Testing in Case-Conrol studies with exposure Misclassification, using Frequentist and Bayesian Techniques
PhD student, Department of Statistics, UBC
Joint Models for incomplete Longitudinal data and survival data with applications in AIDS studies.
PhD student, School of Population and Public Health, UBC
Properties of Empirical and Adjusted Empirical Likelihoods
PhD Student, Department of Statistics, UBC
Finding Determinants of the Expected Stocks Returns for the 1993-2007 Period
Mathematical Statistician for Statistics Canada in Ottawa, ON
Application to Phenological Data
Robust Longitudinal Analysis for a Multiple Sclerosis Clinical trial, using optimal weighted estimating equations
Biostatistician, Vaccine Evaluation Center
Statistical Methods for High Throughput Genomics
Postdoctoral Senior Fellow, Department of Microbiology, University of Washington
Imperfect data in the generalized linear model framework
Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health
Median Loss Analysis with Applications to Model Selection
UBC Department of Statistics