Yuqing Wu

Rollin F. Brant

The Rocky Sleep study and multiple imputation

Yilan Zhu

Lang Wu

Co-op Report

Yang Liu

Matías Salibián-Barrera

Lower quantile estimation of wood strength data

PhD student - Dept. of Statistics UBC

Steven Xu Wang

Joint inference for lingitudinal and survival data with incomplete time-dependant covariates

Qian Ye

Lang Wu

Two-Step and Likelihood Methods for Joint Models

Research Assistant - Dept. of Statistics UBC

Jessica Chen

Co-op Report

James Proudfoot

Co-op Report

Clinical & Translational Research Institute at UCSD

Hongyang Zhang

Ruben H Zamar

Linear model selection based on extended robust least angle regression

PhD student - Dept. of Statistics UBC

Hao Luo

Paul Gustafson

Costs and benefits of environmental data in investigations of gene-disease associations

PhD student - Dept. of Statistics UBC

Dongxu Wang

Paul Gustafson

Topics on the effect of non-differential exposure missclassification
