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Extreme value limit of the convolution of exponential and multivariate normal distributions: Link to the Husler- Reiss distribution. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 163, pp.80-95.
, 2018. Extreme-value limit of the convolution of exponential and multivariate normal distributions: Link to the Huesler-Reiss distribution. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 163, pp.80-95.
, 2018. Factor copula models for replicated spatial data. Journal of the American Statistical Association,, to appear.
, 2018. Generating Handwritten Chinese Characters Using CycleGAN. In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision.
, 2018. Global estimation of exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2. 5) from household air pollution. Environment international, 120, pp.354–363.
, 2018. Improved Robust Estimation of the Residual Scale in High-Dimensional Problems with the Adaptive Elastic Net S-Estimator for Efficient Robust Penalized Linear Regression Methods. In JSM 2018. JSM 2018. 08/2018. Vancouver, Canada.
, 2018. Improving the Robust Estimation of the Residual Scale in High Dimensional Regression Problems with Refitted Cross-Validation using an Elastic Net S-Estimator. In 46th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. 46th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. 06/2018. Montreal, Canada.
, 2018. Insights into the roles of CMK-1 and OGT-1 in interstimulus interval-dependent habituation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285, p.20182084.
, 2018. Interfaces of Malignant and Immunologic Clonal Dynamics in Ovarian Cancer. Cell, (Accepted).
, 2018. Interfaces of Malignant and Immunologic Clonal Dynamics in Ovarian Cancer. Cell, 173, pp.1755–1769.
, 2018. , 2018.
Linear Factor Copula Models and Their Properties. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, to appear.
, 2018. A Mechanistic Nonlinear Model for Truncated and Mis-Measured Time-varying Covariates in Survival Models, with Applications in HIV/AIDS. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, C.
, 2018. Methods for preferential sampling in geostatistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C.
, 2018. Mining healthcare data for markers of the multiple sclerosis prodrome. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
, 2018. Model-based curve registration via stochastic approximation EM algorithm. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, to appear. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.07265.
, 2018. Modeling semi-continuous longitudinal data with order constraints. Statistics in Medicine.
, 2018. Modular Generative Adversarial Networks. In European Conference on Computer Vision. European Conference on Computer Vision.
, 2018. MuClone: somatic mutation detection and classification through probabilistic integration of clonal population information. Communications Biology, 2, pp.1–10.
, 2018. , 2018.
Multi-level Residual Networks from Dynamical Systems View. In International Conference on Learning Representations. International Conference on Learning Representations. Available at: https://openreview.net/forum?id=SyJS-OgR-.
, 2018. Multi-Parameter One-Sided Monitoring Tests. Technometrics, 60, pp.398–407.
, 2018. Multivariate extreme value copulas with factor and tree dependence structures. Extremes, 21, pp.147-176.
, 2018. Parsimonious graphical dependence models constructed from vines. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 46, pp.532-555.
, 2018. Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes for Scalable Monte Carlo on Restricted Domains. Statistics and Probability Letters, 136, pp.148–154.
, 2018.