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Sequential decision model for inference and prediction on non-uniform hypergraphs with application to knot matching from computational forestry. Annals of Applied Statistics, 13, pp.1678-1707 .
, 2019. Sequential decision model for inference and prediction on non-uniform hypergraphs with application to knot matching from computational forestry. Annals of Applied Statistics, 13, pp.1678–1707.
, 2019. Small area quantile estimation. International Statistical Review, 87, pp.S219–S238.
, 2019. Small area quantile estimation via spline regression and empirical likelihood. Survey Methodology 45-1, 45, pp.81–99.
, 2019. Tail densities of skew-elliptical distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 171, pp.421-435.
, 2019. Untangling serially dependent underreported count data for gender-based violence. Statistics in Medicine, 38, pp.4404-4422.
, 2019. Vine copula structure learning via Monte Carlo tree search. In 22ND International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Vol 89. 22ND International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Vol 89. pp. 353-361.
, 2019. Vine Copula Structure Learning via Monte Carlo Tree Search. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
, 2019. Bayesian coreset construction via greedy iterative geodesic ascent. In International Conference on Machine Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning.
, 2018. Bayesian inference for unidirectional misclassification of a binary response trait. Statistics in medicine, 37, pp.933–947.
, 2018. Bayesian Optimization Using Monotonicity Information and Its Application in Machine Learning Hyperparameter Tuning. In Proceedings of AutoML 2018 @ ICML/IJCAI-ECAI. Proceedings of AutoML 2018 @ ICML/IJCAI-ECAI. Available at: https://sites.google.com/site/automl2018icml/accepted-papers/59.pdf.
, 2018. Bayesian subset selection procedures with an application to lumber strength properties. Sankhya Ser A, p.Accepted Aug 08, 2018.
, 2018. The Bouncy Particle Sampler: A non-reversible rejection-free Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, pp.855–867.
, 2018. Comparison of statistical approaches dealing with time-dependent confounding in drug effectiveness studies. Statistical methods in medical research, 27, pp.1709–1722.
, 2018. Comparison of statistical approaches dealing with time-dependent confounding in drug effectiveness studies. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27 , pp.1709-1722. Available at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0962280216668554.
, 2018. Conditional equivalence testing: An alternative remedy for publication bias. PloS one, 13, p.e0195145.
, 2018. Conditional extremes in asymmetric financial markets. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
, 2018. Data Integration Model for Air Quality: A HierarchicalApproach to the Global Estimation of Exposures to Ambient Air Pollution. Applied Statistics, 67, pp.231-253.
, 2018. Dependence properties of conditional distributions of some copula models. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 20, pp.975-1001.
, 2018. Design of Monitoring Networks using k-Determinantal Point Processes. Environmetrics, 29, p.Accepted Oct 14, 2017.
, 2018. Dimensional and statistical foundations for accumulated damage models. Wood Science and Technology, 52, pp.45-65.
, 2018. Efficient computation of multivariate empirical distribution functions at the observed values. Computational Statistics, 33, pp.1413-1428.
, 2018. Empirical likelihood inference for multiple censored samples. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 46, p.232.
, 2018. Empirical likelihood inference for multiple censored samples. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 46, pp.212–232.
, 2018. Exchangeable trait allocations. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12, pp.2290–2322.
, 2018.