About 20% of transit buses are equipped with an Automated Passenger Counting unit (APC) that provides data on the number of passengers who board and depart the bus at each stop along a route. By assigning APC buses to different routes each day, Coast Mountain Bus Company is able to sample the number of passengers using transit buses over the service area at various times of the day. The cleaned data is used to estimate various features of the demand for bus service in Metro Vancouver. In 2012 SCARL was asked to review how the APC buses were assigned and in 2015 review the method used to estimate ridership. This talk describes those projects including the method in use at the time and the recommendations made by SCARL about possible improvements.
Coast Mountain Bus Company Ridership Data. Sampling Plan and Analysis.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 - 11:00
Rick White, Managing Director of SCARL
Room 4192, Earth Science Buildling, 2207 Main Mall