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EDI Seminar Series: Dr. Melania Alvarez

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:30
Dr. Melania Alvarez, Education Coordinator, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, UBC
ESB 4192 / Zoom

Registration & Talk details

We invite you to a speaker series focussed on learning about equity, diversity and inclusion practices and initiatives in Statistics and Data Science. The in-person talk portion of the event does not require registration. You will need to register if you are attending the virtual talk, so you can access the Zoom link or if you plan on attending the in-person discussion as we will need to order food for the participants. It's open to interested students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and staff.

Our next speaker will be Dr. Melania Alvarez, Education Coordinator, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, UBC.

Date/Time: Tuesday, May 2, 11:00am – 12:30pm (Talk 11:00-11:50am; Lunch & facilitated discussion 11:50am-12:30pm)

Talk title: Addressing Mathematical Inequity in Indigenous Education

Abstract: In order to positively narrow the educational gap between the Indigenous communities and the rest of the population, there needs to be a continuous and long-term intervention for change. By leaving behind the philosophy of reduced expectations, mathematical scientists and educators in Western Canada have introduced a variety of interesting and challenging programs. Our first step has been to build partnerships with elders and schools run by Indigenous communities, as well as with urban public schools with a high concentration of at-risk students and Indigenous Students. With their input and support, a variety of outreach programs have been implemented, which will be described in this talk.

After the talk, we will be hosting an in-person facilitated discussion (lunch provided). If you would like to attend the virtual talk or the lunch, please register using the link below:


This talk is one of the Statistics Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Speaker Series. For more information and a list of speakers, please visit: