*This annual poster session is being held in place of our regular Department of Statistics seminar. Please note the unusual time (9:30am - 11am) and location (ESB atrium).
STAT 450 and STAT 550 students have worked collaboratively on real case studies brought by researchers from other disciplines. Supervised by graduate students and instructors, STAT 450 students performed various statistical analyses to address their “clients’” questions. STAT 550 students created GitHub repositories to host R-codes, reports, and discussions, enabling an effective communication between collaborators. Results from 6 exciting projects are presented in this poster session.
Instructors: Gabriela Cohen Freue, Ed Kroc, Estella Qi
Poster 1: Mount Polley Tailings
Collaborator: Anthony Leung
STAT450: Christian Samson and Luc Hamel
STAT550: Jonathan Steif, Xinzhe Dong, and Yanchao Luo
On August 4, 2014, Mount Polley Mine’s Tailings Storage Facility breached, releasing 24 million cubic metres of water and tailings into its neibouring waterways. To study the impact on the ecosystem, the growth of two plant species was examined under various mineral-enriched soil conditions. Preliminary results indicate that high levels of copper in the soil negatively impact the length and mass of Wheatgrass, more than that of Pine.
Poster 2 and e-station: Staffing in China’s Civil Services
Collaborator: Professor Wei Cui, UBC School of Law
STAT450: Harry Xu, Katie Li, Jenne Hui
STAT550: Shanshan Pi, Wenzheng Zhou, Cathy Tang
The staffing number of China’s Taxation Administration Services and Environmental Protection Agencies changed significantly over nine years (1996, 2000-2007). We used visualization and clustering methods to compare temporal changes in staffing across different provinces. The data can be categorized by the staffs’ education level, age, and work unit. Provinces with similar stuffing patters are identified on a map of China.
Poster 3: Cocktail to Stimulate Labor
Collaborator: Stefi Orta, student at UBC Midwifery program
STAT450: Nam Hee Kim, Lin Jiang, Jia Yao
STAT550: Eric Sanders, Derek Ouyang, Maria del Mar Lobato, Yidie Feng
The effectiveness of caster-oil based cocktail to induce labor delivery has been debated for many years. In this study, we get data from pregnant women treated with the cocktail at labor in three midwifery clinics in B.C. The data is used to identify the important predictors of successful labor delivery after the intervention, and identify the subgroup of women who are more likely to benefit from the caster-oil cocktail.
Poster 4 and e-station: Housing Price in Vancouver
Collaborator: Michelle Chung, real estate agent
STAT450: Ran Yan, David Lin, Woo Seok Lee
STAT550: Abdullah Farouk, Weining Hu, Kathy Zhao, Menglin Zhou
Ever dreamed of owning your own condominium in Vancouver? Vancouver’s real estate market has attracted the world’s attention due to its continuously soaring prices, high investment returns, and recent governmental policies to cool down the market. Real estate agents are extremely interested in forecasting sale prices and days on market of their listings accurately to build fruitful portfolios. We propose different models to analyze the price trend for condos in three sub-regions of Greater Vancouver, namely Metrotown, Collingwood, and Whalley.
Poster 5: Evolutionary Psychology
Collaborator: Anita Schmalor, graduate student in Psychology, UBC
STAT450: Jason Dong, Jack Li, Ivan Lan
STAT550: Patrick Daniele, Xin Ding, Xinmiao Wang
The main purpose of this project is to investigate whether taking evolutionary psychology courses affects students’ attitudes about gender, animal rights, and religion. Two groups of college students, one taking an evolutionary psychology course and the other not, were surveyed in various English speaking countries. We found that gender and evolutionary psychology courses influence some of the students’ responses in the administrated surveys.
Poster 6: Senior Workers Skills in South Korea
Collaborator: Hyunok Ryu, graduate student in Educational Studies, UBC
STAT450: Zhen Liu, Jingyi Huang, Yutong Liu
STAT550: Nikolas Krstic, Tom Park, Xinyao Fan
Senior workers have been playing an increasingly important role in South Korea’s development. The objective of this project is to examine relationships between the skill proficiencies of South Korean senior workers and a combination of organizational, educational, and demographic factors. By exploring these relationships, human resource units can develop programs customized for senior workers to improve their competency in the work environment.