4:00pm - 4:30pm
Speaker: Hiwot Tafessu
Title: Healthcare utilization and associated costs among people living with HIV/AIDS with HCV co-infection and mental illness in British Columbia, Canada
Abstract: Due to the widespread use of modern combination antiretroviral therapy in high-resource countries like Canada, HIV infection has become a chronic manageable disease. As a consequence, morbidity and mortality due to non-AIDS related comorbidities have become increasingly prevalent. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection represents the most prevalent comorbidity, particularly in people who inject drugs. It has also been shown that the majority of healthcare utilization among this population is due to non-AIDS related conditions, including mental illness. This presentation will be about my co-op experience at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, where I analyzed trends in hospitalizations (2000-2014) and associated costs in this population group from the British Columbia Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention of HIV/AIDS cohort.
4:30pm - 5:00pm
Speaker: Lisa Leung
Title: Biostatistician Co-op Experience at Heart + Lung Institute in St. Paul’s Hospital
Abstract: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide. It is characterized by reduced lung function measures as a person ages. Besides smoking, COPD is associated with a few factors in which genetic factors are being studied as causal risks. For this talk, I will briefly introduce the genomic studies and analyses of COPD at the Heart + Lung Institute in St. Paul’s Hospital, and talk about my experiences with Dr. Ma’en Obeidat's analysis team.