Best student presentation: Yumi Kondo for her poster describing joint work with Yinshan Zhao and John Petkau "multiple end points in multiple sclerosis patients" .
Case study #2 winning team: Yumi Kondo, MD Mahsin, Kyle Hambrook, and Yanling (Tara) Cai.
This was a very challenging competition!
The subject was: Analysis of player interaction data from a mobile social game: finding interactions between game factors and player factors that predict engagement.
Neil Spencer received an award for his oral presentation, for the (contributed) paper with Pritnam Ranjan and Franklin Mendivil of Acadia University: on "Obtaining two-level factorial designs with pre-specified randomization restrictions".
Neil was also a co-author on another presentation - a contributed paper given by Sean Jewell entitled "Modelling grafitti prevalence in metro Vancouver under a hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric framework".