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Publications by James V. Zidek FRSC, O.C.


Hu F, Zidek JV. A relevance weighted quantile estimator. Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 1993.


Guttorp P, Le ND, Sampson PD, Zidek JV. Using entropy in the redesign of an environmental monitoring network. Vancouver: Department of Statistics. University of British Columbia; 1992.
Caselton WF, Kan L, Zidek JV. Quality data network designs based on entropy. In: Walden AT, Guttorp P. Statistics in the environmental and earth sciences. London: Elsevier Science; 1992. pp. 10-38.
Le ND, Zidek JV. Interpolation with uncertain spatial covariances: a Bayesian alternative to kriging. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Elsevier; 1992; 43: 351–374.
Brown PJ, Le ND, Zidek JV. Multivariate spatial interpolation with Kronecker covariance structures. Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; 1992.
Zidek JV, Weerahandi S. Bayesian predictive inference for samples from smooth processes. Bayesian Statistics. 1992; 4: 547–566.
Wu S, Zidek JV. An entropy-based analysis of data from selected NADP/NTN network sites for 1983–1986. Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics. Elsevier; 1992; 26: 2089–2103.


Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Generalized Nash products for bargaining games with incomplete information. Indian Economic Journal. University of Bombay, School of Economics and Sociology.; 1991; 38: 98.


Genest C, Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Conditionalization and likelihood dominance in group belief formation. Statistics and Risk Modeling. 1990; 8: 183-198.


Wu S, Zidek JV. Recent trends in the chemistry of precipitation in the United States: Part 3. Concentrations of nitrates. Vancouver, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 1989.
Wu S, Zidek JV. Recent trends in the chemistry of precipitation in the United States: Part 2. Concentrations of sulfates. Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 1989.
Wu S, Zidek JV. Recent trends in the chemistry of precipitation in the United States: Part 1. Concentrations of hydrogen ions. Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 1989.
Zidek JV. Discussion of ``How to Get Your First Research Grant''. Statistical Science. 1989; 4: 132–134.


Zidek JV. Group decision analysis and its application to combining opinions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Elsevier; 1988; 20: 307–325.
Zidek JV. Discussion of ``Hotelling, H. The Teaching of Statistics and The Place of Statistics in the University''. Statistical Science. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 1988; 3: 63–108.
Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Bayesian nonparametric smoothers for regular processes. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1988; 16: 61–74.
McCullagh P, Zidek JV. Regression methods and performance criteria for small area population estimation. In Small Area Statistics–An International Symposium. Ottowa, Canada. 1988.


Guttorp P, Petkau AJ, Sampson PD, Zidek JV. Environmental monitoring: Models, network design, and data analysis. Department of Statistics, University of Washington, SIMS Technical Report; 1987.


Genest C, Zidek JV. Combining probability distributions: A critique and an annotated bibliography. Statistical Science. 1986;: 114–135.
Haitovsky Y, Zidek JV. Approximating hierarchical normal priors using a vague component. Journal of multivariate analysis. Elsevier; 1986; 19: 48–66.
Zidek JV. Statistication: the quest for a curriculum. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS 2), The Hague: International Statistical Institute. 1986. pp. 1–17.


Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Smoothing locally smooth processes by Bayesian nonparametric methods. SIAM Institute for Mathematics and Society Technical Report. 1985; 93.


Genest C, Weerahandi Samaradasa, Zidek JV. Aggregating opinions through logarithmic pooling. Theory and Decision. Springer; 1984; 17: 61–70.
Zidek JV. Multi-Bayesianity. Department of Statistics, University of British columbia; 1984.
Caselton WF, Zidek JV. Optimal monitoring network designs. Statistics and Probability Letters. Elsevier; 1984; 2: 223–227.


De Waal DJ, Groenewald PCN, van Zyl JM, Zidek JV. Multi-Bayesian estimation theory. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR], National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences [NRIMS]; 1983.
Rukhin AL, Zidek JV. Estimation of linear parametric functions for several exponential samples. Department of Statistics, Purdue University; 1983.
Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Elements of multi-Bayesian decision theory. The Annals of Statistics. JSTOR; 1983;: 1032–1046.


Zidek JV. A review of methods for estimating the populations of local areas. Technical Report. Vancouver, BC: Institute of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of British Columbia; 1982.
Zidek JV. Aspects of multi-Bayesian theory. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of British Columbia; 1982.
Hwang JTzon, Zidek JV. Limit theorems for out-guesses with mean-guided second guessing. Journal of Applied Probability. 1982;.
Brown PJ, Zidek JV. Multivariate regression shrinkage estimators with unknown covariance matrix. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 1982;: 209–215.


Olkin I, A Petkau J, Zidek JV. A comparison of n estimators for the binomial distribution. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor and Francis; 1981; 76: 637–642.
Weerahandi Samaradasa, Zidek JV. Multi-Bayesian statistical decision theory. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General). JSTOR; 1981;: 85–93.


Brown PJ, Zidek JV. Adaptive multivariate ridge regression. Ann. Statist.and. JSTOR; 1980;: 64–74.
J Steele M, Zidek J. Optimal strategies for second guessers. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor and Francis; 1980; 75: 596–601.
Tsui K-W, Weerahandi Samaradasa, Zidek J. Inadmissibility of the best fully equivariant estimator of the generalized residual variance. The Annals of Statistics. 1980;: 1156–1159.
Van Der Merwe A, Zidek JV. Multivariate regression analysis and canonical variates. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1980; 8: 27–39.
Buckland PGraham, McBryde JP, Zidek JV, Navin FPD. Proposed vehicle loading of long-span bridges. Journal of the Structural Division. ASCE; 1980; 106: 915–932.
A Dawid PHILIP, Stone MERVYN, Zidek JV. Comments on Jaynes's paper ``Marginalization and prior probabilities''. Bayesian Analysis in Econometrics and Statistics. 1980;: 79–82.


Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. A characterization of the general mean. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Wiley Online Library; 1979; 7: 83–90.
Zidek JV, Navin FPD, Lockhart R. Statistics of extremes: An alternate method with application to bridge design codes. Technometrics. Taylor and Francis; 1979; 21: 185–191.


Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Generalized Nash solutions for bargaining with incomplete information. Vancouver, BC: Institute of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. British Columbia; 1978.
Buckland PG, McBryde JP, Navin FPD, Zidek JV. Traffic loading of long span bridges. Transportation Research Record. 1978;.
Weerahandi S, Zidek JV. Pooling prior distributions. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 1978;: 78–34.


A Hakstian R, Zidek JV, McDonald RP. Best univocal estimates of orthogonal common factors. Psychometrika. Springer; 1977; 42: 627–630.
M Clevenson L, Zidek JV. Bayes linear estimators of the intensity function of the nonstationary Poisson process. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor and Francis; 1977; 72: 112–120.


Navin FPD, Zidek JV, Fisk C, Buckland PG. Design traffic loads on the Lion's Gate Bridge. Transportation Research Record. 1976;.
Zidek JV. A necessary condition for the admissibility under convex loss of equivariant estimators. Stanford, California: Department of Statistics, Stanford University; 1976.
