Publications by James V. Zidek FRSC, O.C.
Highly Multivariate Large-scale Spatial Stochastic Processes – A Doubly Conditional Independence Approach. . J Royal Statistical Society, Ser B. Submitted;. .
Nondimensionalizing physical and statistical models: a unified approach. Statistical Science. Submitted. p. Submitted. .
Knots and their effect on the tensile strength of lumber. Journal of Quality Technology. 2023. pp. 1-13. .
Spatio–Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology with R. CRC Press; 2023. .
Canadian contributions to environmetrics. Canadian Journal of Statistics [Internet]. 2022; n/a. DOI: URL: .
Permutation tests under a rotating sampling plan with clustered data. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 2022; 16: 936–958. .
Ellipse detection and localization with applications to knots in sawn lumber images. 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). 2021. pp. 3892-3901. .
Composite empirical likelihood for multisample clustered data. J Nonparametric Statistics. 2021;: Accepted Apr 2021. .
Permutation tests under a rotating sampling plan with clustered data. Journal of nonparametric statistics. 2021; 33: 60-81. .
Approximately Optimal Subset Selection for Statistical Design and Modelling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 2021;: 1-13. .
Spatio-temporal downscaling for continental scale estimation of air pollution concentrations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C. 2020;: Submitted. .
Ellipse Detection and Localization with Applications to Knots in Sawn Lumber Images. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.04844. 2020 . .
Dimensional Analysis in Statistical Modelling. Statistical Science. 2020;: Submitted. .
Scientific versus statistical modelling: a unifying approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.11259. 2020 . .
Approximately Optimal Spatial Design: How Good is it?. Spatial Statistics. 2020; 37: 100409. .
Bayesian analysis of accumulated damage models in lumber reliability. Technometrics. 2019; 61: 1-14. .
The duration of load effect in lumber as stochastic degradation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2019;: 410-419. .
Sequential decision model for inference and prediction on non-uniform hypergraphs with application to knot matching from computational forestry. Annals of Applied Statistics. 2019; 13: 1678-1707 . .
Data integration for high-resolution, continental-scale estimation of air pollution concentrations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00093. 2019;. .
Data integration for high-resolution, continental-scale estimation of air pollution concentrations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00093. 2019;. .
A General Theory for Preferential Sampling in Environmental Networks. Annals of Applied Statistics. 2019;: Accepted. .
Subset selection procedures with an application to lumber strength properties. Sanhkya Ser B. 2018; 80: 146-172. .
Design of Monitoring Networks using k-Determinantal Point Processes. Environmetrics. 2018; 29: Accepted Oct 14, 2017. .
Statistical challenges in assessing the engineering properties of forest products. Annual review of statistics and its application - invitation only. 2018; 5: 237-264. .
Bayesian subset selection procedures with an application to lumber strength properties. Sankhya Ser A. 2018;: Accepted Aug 08, 2018. .
Dimensional and statistical foundations for accumulated damage models. Wood Science and Technology. 2018; 52: 45-65. .
Using artificial censoring to improve extreme tail quantile estimates. Applied Statistics. 2018;: Accepted Dec 4, 2017. .
Data Integration Model for Air Quality: A HierarchicalApproach to the Global Estimation of Exposures to Ambient Air Pollution. Applied Statistics. 2018; 67: 231-253. .
Sequential graph matching with sequential monte carlo. . 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Fort Lauderdale, Florida: AISTATS; 2017. .
Spatio-temporal modelling of temperature fields in the Pacific Northwest. Environmetrics. 2017;: Resubmitted. .
Mitigating the effects of preferentially selected monitoring sites for environmental policy and health risk analysis. Spatial and Spatio-temporal epidemiology. 2016; 18: 44-52. .
Estimating the damage caused by proof loading lumber products. 2016 . Report No.: 277. .
Wood Property Relationships and Survival Models in Reliability. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 2016; 32: 792-803. .
Bayesian Data Fusion Approaches to Predicting Spatial Tracks: Application to Marine Mammals. Annals of Applied Statistics. 2016;: Accepted. .
Quantifying uncertainty in lumber grading and strength prediction: a Bayesian approach. Technometrics. Taylor and Francis; 2015; 58: 236-243. .
incorporating high-dimensional exposure modelling into studies of air pollution and health. Statistics in Biosciences. 2015;: Accepted. .
Bias correction and uncertainty characterization of Dead-Reckoned paths of marine mammals. Animal Biotelemetry. BioMed Central; 2015; 3: 1. .
Discussion of ``Optimal design in geostatistics under preferential sampling '' Ferreira and Gamerman. Bayesian Analysis. International Society for Bayesian Analysis; 2015; 10: 749–752. .
Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology. CRC Press; 2015. .
Hypothesis testing in the presence of multiple samples under a density ratio model. Statistica Sinica. 2015;: Accepted. .
Statistical modeling and forecasting of fruit crop phenology under climate change. Environmetrics. Wiley Online Library; 2014; 25: 621–629. .
Bayesian melding of the dead-reckoned path and GPS measurements for an accurate and high-resolution path of marine mammals. arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.6683. 2014. .
A case study in preferential sampling: Long term monitoring of air pollution in the UK. Spatial Statistics. Elsevier; 2014; 9: 51–65. .
Reducing estimation bias in adaptively changing monitoring networks with preferential site selection. The Annals of Applied Statistics. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 2014; 8: 1640–1670. .
Property Modeling of Changbai Larch Veneers in Relation to Stand and Tree Variables. Vancouver, BC: Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia; 2013. .
Hypothesis testing in the presence of multiple samples under density ratio models. Statistica Sinica. 2013;: To appear. .
Efficient stabilization of crop yield prediction in the Canadian Prairies. Agricultural and forest meteorology. Elsevier; 2012; 152: 223–232. .
Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. In: . Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections; 2012. pp. 131-153. .
Modeling nonstationary processes through dimension expansion. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor and Francis; 2012; 107: 281–289. .