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Workshop: Visualising data with ggplot2 (FULL - REGISTRATION CLOSED)

Friday, May 10, 2013 - 13:00
Hadley Wickham, Department of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX
Statistics Seminar
Room 1012, Earth Sciences Building (2207 Main Mall)

This tutorial will introduce you to the theory and practice of ggplot2. I'll introduce you to the rich theory that underlies ggplot2, and then we'll get our hands dirty making graphics to help understand data. I'll also point you towards resources where you can learn more, and highlight some of the other packages that work hand in hand with ggplot2 to make data analysis easy.

You will have the opportunity to practice what you learn, so please bring along your laptop, with the latest version of R installed. Make sure that your version of ggplot2 is up-to-date by running install.packages("ggplot2").

To get the most out of the course, I'd recommend that you're already comfortable with R: you know how to get your data into R, you've done some graphics (base or lattice) in the past, and you've written an R function.

 You can see a movie of this workshop, courtesy of the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences (PIMS).