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The impact of price discounts and calorie messaging on beverage consumption: A multi-site field study. Preventive Medicine, 55, pp.629–633. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.10.009.
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Labeling Nodes Using Three Degrees of Propagation. PLOS ONE, 7, p.e51947.
, 2012. Likelihood With Applications. Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference, 148, p.211.
, 2012. A longitudinal model for magnetic resonance imaging lesion count data in multiple sclerosis patients. Statistics in Medicine, 31, pp.449–469. Available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.4394/abstract.
, 2012. Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) Profiles—Validated Risk Predictors for Progression to Oral Cancer. Cancer Prevention Research, 5, pp.1081–1089. Available at: http://cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org/content/5/9/1081.
, 2012. Modeling nonstationary processes through dimension expansion. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, pp.281–289.
, 2012. MRI monitoring of immunomodulation in relapse-onset multiple sclerosis trials. Nature Reviews Neurology, 8, pp.13-21.
, 2012. MRI-based clinical trials in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: new sample size calculations based on a longitudinal model. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 18, pp.1600–1608.
, 2012. MRM-based multiplexed quantitation of 67 putative cardiovascular disease biomarkers in human plasma. Proteomics, 12, pp.1222–1243.
, 2012. Multiagent estimators of an exponential mean. In Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. Institute of Mathematical Statistics, pp. 131–153.
, 2012. Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) Principles and Application to Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, 5, pp.378–378.
, 2012. Multivariate inverse Gaussian and skew-normal densities. Statistics & Probability Letters, 82, pp.2244-2251.
, 2012. Natural, innate improvements in multiple sclerosis disability. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 18, pp.1412-1421.
, 2012. Nearest-neighbors medians clustering. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 5, pp.349–362. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/sam.11149.
, 2012. Neutralizing antibodies to interferon beta-1b in multiple sclerosis: a clinico-radiographic paradox in the BEYOND trial. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 18, pp.181-195.
, 2012. Neutralizing antibodies to interferon beta-1b multiple sclerosis: a clinico-radiographic paradox in the BEYOND trial. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 18, pp.181–195.
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, 2012. Pair copula constructions for multivariate discrete data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, pp.1063-1072.
, 2012. Partial identification arising from nondifferential exposure misclassification: how informative are data on the unlikely, maybe, and likely exposed?. The international journal of biostatistics, 8.
, 2012. Partial Identification arising from Nondifferential Exposure Misclassification: How Informative are Data on the Unlikely, Maybe, and Likely Exposed?. International Journal of Biostatistics, 8, p.issue 1, article 31. Available at: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijb.2012.8.issue-1/1557-4679.1397/1557-4679.1397.xml?format=INT.
, 2012. Partial monotonicity of entropy measures. Statistics & Probability Letters, 82, pp.1935–1940.
, 2012. Phylogenetic inference via sequential Monte Carlo. Systematic Biology, 61, pp.579–593.
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