Export 1677 results:
Chen, J. & Khalili, A., 2012. ORDER SELECTION IN FINITE MIXTURE MODELS. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103.
Panagiotelis, A., Czado, C. & Joe, H., 2012. Pair copula constructions for multivariate discrete data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, pp.1063-1072.
Shangari, D. & Chen, J., 2012. Partial monotonicity of entropy measures. Statistics & Probability Letters, 82, pp.1935–1940.
Bouchard-Côté, A., Sankararaman, S. & Jordan, M.I., 2012. Phylogenetic inference via sequential Monte Carlo. Systematic Biology, 61, pp.579–593.
Masse, L.C. et al., 2012. Physical activity implementation in schools: a 4-year follow-up. Am J Prev Med, 43, pp.369–377.
Bouchard-Côté, A. & Jordan, M.I., 2012. The Poisson Indel Process. arXiv, 1207.6327.
MacLehose, R.F. & Gustafson, P., 2012. Is probabilistic bias analysis approximately Bayesian?. Epidemiology, 23, p.151. Available at: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e31823b539c.
Brummelte, S. et al., 2012. Procedural pain and brain development in premature newborns. Ann. Neurol., 71, pp.385–396.
Kondo, Y., Salibian-Barrera, M. & Zamar, R., 2012. A robust and sparse K-means clustering algorithm. arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.6082.
Danilov, M., Yohai, V.J. & Zamar, R.H., 2012. Robust Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter in the Presence of Missing Data. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 107, pp.1178-1186.
Balkema, G., Embrechts, P. & Nolde, N., 2012. Sensitivity of the limit shape of sample clouds from meta densities. BERNOULLI, 18, pp.1386-1404.
van Eeden, C. & Zidek, J.V., 2012. Subset selection–extended Rizvi–Sobel for unequal sample sizes and its implementation. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 24, pp.299–315.
McLellan, J.L. et al., 2012. Synthetic Lethality of Cohesins with PARPs and Replication Fork Mediators. PLOS GENETICS, 8, p.e1002574.
