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Bandwidth choice for robust nonparametric scale function estimation. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, 56, pp.1594-1608.
, 2012. A Bayesian method for estimating prevalence in the presence of a hidden sub-population. Statistics in Medicine, 31, pp.2386–2398.
, 2012. Bayesian pedigree analysis using measure factorization. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS). pp. 2906–2914.
, 2012. On the behaviour of Bayesian credible intervals in partially identified models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 6, pp.2107-2124. Available at: projecteuclid.org/euclid.ejs/1351865119.
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, 2012. Combining data and simulated data for space–time fields: application to ozone. Environmental and ecological statistics, 19, pp.37–56.
, 2012. Combining many interaction networks to predict gene function and analyze gene lists. PROTEOMICS, 12, pp.1687-1696.
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A computational pipeline for the development of multi-marker bio-signature panels and ensemble classifiers. BMC bioinformatics, 13, p.1.
, 2012. Confidence intervals for the mean of a population containing many zero values under unequal probability sampling 511: Y. Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 57, p.77.
, 2012. Contemporary Developments in Bayesian Analysis and Statistical Decision Theory: A Festschrift for William E. Strawderman. In Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections, pp. 131-153.
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On the detectability of different forms of interaction in regression models. Metrika, 75, pp.347–365.
, 2012. Double-robust estimators: slightly more Bayesian than meets the eye?. The international journal of biostatistics, 8, pp.1–15.
, 2012. Double-robust estimators: Slightly more Bayesian than meets the eye?. International Journal of Biostatistics, 8, p.issue 2, article 4.
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, 2012. Entangled Monte Carlo. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS). pp. 2735–2743.
, 2012. Extended BIC for small-n-large-P sparse GLM. Statistica Sinica, 22, p.555.
, 2012. Generalization error bounds for state-space models. Carnegie Mellon University.
, 2012. Genetics and evolution of function-valued traits: understanding environmentally responsive phenotypes. Trends Ecol. Evol. (Amst.), 27, pp.637–647.
, 2012. Harnessing Non-Local Evolutionary Events for Tree Inference. In Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.
, 2012. Harvesting Classification Trees for Drug Discovery. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 52, pp.3169–3180. Available at: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ci3000216.
, 2012. Hierarchical likelihood methods for nonlinear and generalized linear mixed models with missing data and measurement errors in covariates. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 109, pp.42–51. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047259X12000528.
, 2012. Hierarchical priors for bias parameters in Bayesian sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding. Statistics in Medicine, 31, pp.383–396.
, 2012. How networks change with time. Bioinformatics, 28, pp.i40–8.
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